Saturday, April 19, 2008


Not me, thank goodness. I made one of my late night trips to Walmart tonight. I was super thrilled that I was the next up in line to go after the young man in front of me.

Uh oh, we have a problem. Seems there is something up with his card. It has money in it but something is wrong with it, I didn't hear what. So they have to do all this fancy stuff, which is taking up quite a bit of time. The kid looks SUPER EMBARASSED. Oh wait, then I saw why. He had a box of condoms. That was it, his only purchase, a box of condoms. Oh my stars, I would die, right there. It's bad enough I guess to have to buy them, and only them, (it would make it look worse if you tried to buy a candy bar or something so as to try and distract from the fact that you are really there to buy said condoms). Even worse, your card decides at that minute to embarass you immensely.

His ears were BRIGHT red as he walked off with his purchase. Poor kid. Oh well, I guess the most important thing is he bought them anyway. His mother would be proud, okay, well not proud, but this option is better than a lot of others.


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