Friday, February 1, 2008

Ready For Spring

Well after a LONG night with restless, grumpy little ones who were sleeping poorly, it was off to the doctor with two of the trio. Morgan and Alexis were super congested and such today so I went ahead and took them in. A big thanks to Aunt Becky for tagging along with us and being an extra set of hands since our appointment was in the middle of nap time.

Just a cold for Alexis that will have to run it's course. Ears looked good, lungs sounded good. So good news pretty much for her.

Morgan's lungs were wheezy but I already have a nebulizer machine and the medicine so I had already started her on breathing treatments before we even went into the doctor. Left ear was VERY red and bulging. No wonder she was so grumpy and not wanting to fall asleep and stay that way last night. Her ear must have been killing her. So Amoxicillan for her two times a day for ten days and hopefully she'll be all better.

Kamryn bit Alexis this evening right below her eye. I am so frustrated and don't know what to do to get her to quit using her sisters as a giant teething ring. Grrrrr! Open to any suggestions as long as it's not "bite her back" I just can't bring myself to do that.

Kori had her "100 day" celebration at school today celebrating her 100th day in Kindergarten. Lots of good snacks and activities to do. They were to wear an article of clothing or accessory that contained 100 of anything. We (or should I say I) glued 100 "jewels" to a shirt for her. She looked adorable! I took pictures and will post them in the very near future. It was a fun day for her. They've been looking forward to it for a while now.

Other than that not much happening for us. I started some housework after the trio went down. Kori supervised me from my bed while watching "The Incredibles". She just loves my big ol' bed. She gets all comfy and tries to convince me that is where she belongs. Nice try my little love muffin, not happening!

Tomorrow I plan on continuing my housework and finishing up some laundry. Man my weekends are just packed with fun festivities!