Sunday, February 3, 2008

Where Did It Go?

The weekend that it. Man it went by fast! Saturday Kori decided for some insane reason to get up at 7:20. She informed me that if I would unlock her satellite receiver box she would "watch TV quietly in bed". Who would argue with that so early. Unfortunately the trio woke up less than an hour later. This after sleeping horribly due to their colds etc. I finally got to sleeping good at just after 4am...only to be awakened at 7:20...sigh.

Oh well I got up and got my day started. Got all my housework done and laundry too! The house is spotless! (Well it was for a brief short spell before being made not so spotless by my family AKA "The Crew". ) Now it's just semi-spotless. I conned Jason into moving the cars out of the garage and using his leaf sucker/blower thing to blow all the dirt and crud out of our garage. It was just gross and was always getting tracked in the house. Well he took it one step further and after blowing out all the gunk, power washed it too! Hooray! It is nice and spotless at least until the next snow storm.

I politely informed my husband that dinner was not going to be prepared from our house on Saturday night. I was giving myself a much deserved break from cooking. We got some bar-b-que sandwiches and salads from a local place and cleanup was a breeze! The girls were clean and jammied and 3 of the 4 were down at 8:45. Kori watched TV in her room for a bit before turning in as well. I was acutally showered and ready for bed by 9:30! Will wonders never cease. I watched TV and read for a bit but was sleeping soundly by 12:45, which is EARLY for me!

Today was a gloomy and rainy day. Thunder woke Kori up at 9am and the girls followed not too long after. I felt nice and rested after a good nights sleep. Jason played basketball after work and didn't get to bed until after 10 am. He got hit in the head at basketball and has a large knot on his head. Men, they sacrifice their bodies for a silly game. Not me!

Kori and I had to run to Walmart to pick up some pictures of her for her "Awesome Crusader" poster. She is the "Awesome Crusader" from Kindergarten this week at school. It's a confidence and self-esteem building thing they do at school. Her classmates make a book with pictures they draw and things they like about her. She gets to eat donuts with the principal and vice principal on Wednesday. It sounds like she's treated exceptionally well for the week. So we needed a picture for her poster. I downloaded a couple last night and we picked them up today. Along with the fixings for some "Superbowl Nachos". That was Jason's dinner pick.

Jason took off tonight to watch the game so we had nachos and just vegged. It was nice. Kori and I made some sugar cookies for dessert. I made the girls a meat/cheese quesadilla with the seasoned hamburger and cheese from the nachos. They seemed to really enjoy it! They all had seconds, so that can't be bad. At least it was something different.

Kamryn bit Alexis AGAIN today. I am at my wits end! This time it was right in the middle of her back. Short of beating her, I just don't know what to do. I think I'll call the pediatrician tomorrow to see if they have any ideas. I've tried "no bite", sitting her in "time out", swatting her hands, I just can't seem to get it to stop. I know it's done out of frustration when things are going as she would like, but still. She can't keep using her sisters as human chew toys. **Sigh**

Well I guess I better turn in. I really intended to get to bed early again tonight. Oh well, it's still somewhat earlier than usual I suppose!