Saturday, February 21, 2009

Potty Training -- Take 2

So yesterday I decided to tackle potty training again. We tried it a while back and had not so great results. So yesterday everyone went into a pair of pull-ups. I won't be using them everyday, but it was how I determined who was serious and who wasn't.

Kamryn will sit on the potty every 5 minutes. She doesn't always go but she'll say she has too and head in there. She was dry through her nap and headed to the potty right as soon as she woke up. Success again! Awesome! She stayed dry while we were in the car line to pick up Kori.

Morgan and Alexis were doing good staying dry, but not wanting to sit on the potty. By 5:30 or so they had both peed in their pull-up so they went back to diapers.

Kamryn kept hers dry all day.

Today we moved on to padded training pants for Kamryn and diapers for the other two. One at a time might be the way to go at this.

Kamryn stayed dry all morning. She peed a few times and around 11:30 she did a gigantic poopie on the potty. I sometimes question the excitement in my life, but hey it was a big deal. So we danced and cheered and passed out M&M's.

She wore a pull-up for nap time as we weren't feeling that adventurous.

This evening we had a few errands to run. She didn't want to wear a diaper or a pull-up so she stayed in her panties. I took extra clothes just in case. She did great! She went potty at dinner (we ate out) and then again several times when we got home.

Alexis was inspired this evening. She got a pull-up on and then went pee twice on her own! Woo hoo! I am soooooo hoping my diaper buying days are coming to an end.

Tomorrow we may move Kamryn to her beloved Cinderella panties and Alexis to padded training panties. We'll let Morgan determine her course of action.

Kori is having a sleep over tonight with my sister Becky and Mallory and Jason. I talked to her earlier and she was having fun. We missed her here, but it's good for her to get a break.

At any rate, potty training is in full swing and I am sooooooo hopeful for success!


Liz said...

That is awesome! We were doing pretty good and then took a step backwards rarely wanted to sit on the potty I am just trying to go with it!