Mark your calendar, on Wednesday I actually ran out of things to do. (Well except for some inroning). I cleaned house on Tuesday. Got my laundry 3/4 done. Finished it up Wednesday morning. Had the laundry in baskets put away, made beds. Heck, I even got dressed in pants that didn't consist of flannel or sweat shirt material, and put on some make-up. It was a great day! The weather was gorgeous too so we got some play time in out side. So nice to see the girls running around and burning off some energy!
Tuesday night I noticed Morgan was getting a runny nose. (Not surprised? Me neither!) Wednesday she just wasn't herself. Very mellow and complacent. Even outside she didn't act like her normal crazy self like she usually would. Well dinner time came around and she refused to eat. What? This is my 38-pounder. She loves her some food. Nothing doing for her this night however. She was a bit warm too. We played "LIFE" on the Playstation II and she just layed in my lap, or Jason's the whole time. At bedtime she was the first one asleep in about 2.5 seconds. She's always the last one alseep and it usually takes her at least an hour to fall asleep. She had a restless night. Must have been the fever. Up and down and not resting good. Me neither. Happy to report my hubby slept through it all. In the few occasions I was able to fall asleep his loud and obnoxious snoring (he has a cold) kept me awake. **Sigh**
This morning I have 3 of the 4 kids (all the little girls) with runny/congesty noses and coughs. I also woke up with the aches and swollen glands and a sore throat. Thanks for sharing honey! That's such a great thing for you to do...not! I am hoping it's fast moving and doesn't turn into anything else.
I was whining to my mom the other day. I don't know where it comes from. My house is clean and it usually is (my mom passed a bit of her OCD on to me), we eat good, lots of home cooked meals and veggies, we take vitamins, get lost of rest (well everyone else does but me). I just don't get it. I am really over it all! I am ready for warmer, less germy weather.
Jason heads back to work tonight and has off-duty before work both today and tomorrow. Good times! I hope I pep up a little or it could be a long couple of days!
At any rate, I had a great day on Wednesday. That counts for something right???
Friday, February 27, 2009
Some Ramblings
Posted by Mrs. Russ-a-lee at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
This Day In History
Today, February 23, 1969, my sister Margaret was born into this world. Sadly, 34 years later, her legacy here on earth ended.
I miss her so much ever day and while I know that she is in a better, pain free place, it doesn't lessen my grief.
She would have been 40 today. She would NOT have been happy about that. Knowing her she would have still looked much younger. She had good genes like that.
Here are a few pictures. She truly, truly was my best friend. What I wouldn't give for one more minute, hour, day, week, month, year, years. I'd be selfish like that.
Happy Birthday Mags!
OLD school:
Margaret at work:
Margaret & Kori:
Sisters (Becky's wedding reception):
Posted by Mrs. Russ-a-lee at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
You HAVE To Be Kidding Me!
So yesterday I was having a very "on" day. I wasn't dragging and feeling tired like I usually am. Kori stayed the night with my sister the night before so it was just the little girls and I until daddy got up.
I made a cake and homemade butter cream frosting. I started cleaning the house. I made ham, twice baked potatoes, baked beans, carrots, green beans and dinner rolls for dinner. Got all the girls bathed and p-jammied up. Got everyone down for the night and was continuing my housework when I heard Kamryn yelling.
I went into their room and she informed me, "I burped in my bed". Uh, that's NOT a burp baby. Needless to say she had thrown up. It was contained to her blanket and her jammies, so that was good. I got her cleaned up and got her bed changed. Prayed it was a fluke and maybe she had just got choked or something. Got her back in bed and she promptly fell asleep. About 30-minutes later, more burping in the bed.
So I stopped my cleaning. I got her cleaned up and sat her in the bathroom with me while I jumped in the shower quick. We got settled into our bed where the vomiting resumed. It happened about once and hour until 4am. Then it turned into the "big D". Oh those diapers were sooooooooooo gross! It was not fun! Jason was working so I was solo on puke duty. I prayed hard, several times, that everyone else in the house be spared from the evil germs.
At 4am she settled in and slept until about 6am where she promptly blessed me with two more yucky diapers. Got her changed and back to bed when daddy got home. He snuggled in with us him and her were asleep quickly. I finally fell asleep about 8am...only to be awakened about 9:30 by Kori and Morgan who were awake.
She seemed to be better today. She is drinking good and eating only a bit, but that's okay. She plays for a while and then chills on the couch for a bit. The yucky diapers continue, but not puking since 4am.
I am hoping the rest of us are spared. It's been a rough couple of months for us. It started at the end of January with RSV that turned into severe Bronchiolitis. It was followed by a sinus infection for Jason. A sinus/upper respiratory infection for me. Kori had viral strep throat. Then all the girls got pink eye. Now this. I am really quite over it.
Perhaps God thought I was a bit cocky yesterday with all my productiveness and just wanted to bring me back down to earth. I was dragging today let me tell you. I managed a half hour nap today while the girls napped before I started dinner.
The funny thing (using the term funny very loosely) about all of this is that two years ago to the exact day, everyone in the house except me, had the stomach flu for about 36-hours. It was awful and a period I will NEVER forget if I live to be 100! Hope we don't have a rerun of that!
Now Monday is here and the rat race starts all over again. **Sigh**
So tomorrow I'll finish my last part of the house and revacuum all the floors. Jason is starting days off and I will enjoy some extra hands here in the evening.
Posted by Mrs. Russ-a-lee at 10:51 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Potty Training -- Take 2
So yesterday I decided to tackle potty training again. We tried it a while back and had not so great results. So yesterday everyone went into a pair of pull-ups. I won't be using them everyday, but it was how I determined who was serious and who wasn't.
Kamryn will sit on the potty every 5 minutes. She doesn't always go but she'll say she has too and head in there. She was dry through her nap and headed to the potty right as soon as she woke up. Success again! Awesome! She stayed dry while we were in the car line to pick up Kori.
Morgan and Alexis were doing good staying dry, but not wanting to sit on the potty. By 5:30 or so they had both peed in their pull-up so they went back to diapers.
Kamryn kept hers dry all day.
Today we moved on to padded training pants for Kamryn and diapers for the other two. One at a time might be the way to go at this.
Kamryn stayed dry all morning. She peed a few times and around 11:30 she did a gigantic poopie on the potty. I sometimes question the excitement in my life, but hey it was a big deal. So we danced and cheered and passed out M&M's.
She wore a pull-up for nap time as we weren't feeling that adventurous.
This evening we had a few errands to run. She didn't want to wear a diaper or a pull-up so she stayed in her panties. I took extra clothes just in case. She did great! She went potty at dinner (we ate out) and then again several times when we got home.
Alexis was inspired this evening. She got a pull-up on and then went pee twice on her own! Woo hoo! I am soooooo hoping my diaper buying days are coming to an end.
Tomorrow we may move Kamryn to her beloved Cinderella panties and Alexis to padded training panties. We'll let Morgan determine her course of action.
Kori is having a sleep over tonight with my sister Becky and Mallory and Jason. I talked to her earlier and she was having fun. We missed her here, but it's good for her to get a break.
At any rate, potty training is in full swing and I am sooooooo hopeful for success!
Posted by Mrs. Russ-a-lee at 12:17 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Still Here
We're still around in case you were wondering. Still battling back from the coughs and sneezes. Kamryn also decided last Friday to develop a case of pink eye. Some drops in her eyes started to work quickly. Keeping my fingers crossed that no one else gets it.
I volunteered last Thursday for Kori's class Valentine's party. It was a nice time and it is always good to see the kids having fun! Kori got lots of Valentines and treats. Fun times! Stupid me, I forgot my camera. Oh well, next time!
Kori didn't have school on Friday due to "Staff Development" and on Monday for President's Day. Friday was housework for me and playing and such for the girls. Saturday (Valentine's day) was pretty laid back as well. It is not a favorite of mine so I always let my husband off the hook easily. I don't want him spending tons of money on flowers. Chocolates I don't need. So he brought the girls and I a heart shaped chocolate chip cookie "cake" and he got me a nice card. Good enough!
Sunday was another laid back day. Kori loves it when she can just hang around the house and play without having to go anywhere. (She's like her momma!)
Yesterday Kori and I had a date. We went to see Hotel For Dogs. Very cute movie! It brought us to tears in a couple of places. It is always very surreal when I think about doing stuff like that with her. Well with any of the girls. For so long it seemed that being a mommy wasn't in the cards for me. Then there I was in the theater, with my arm around my beautiful daughters' shoulders, sobbing away with her. God is good!
We went out for pizza for dinner and then got ready for the weekly grind to start again.
Jason is working off-duty today so it's just the little girls and I. We went to the Credit Union, post office and then to get gas. Everyone did well so we brought home some McDonald's for lunch. Easy for mommy! Woo hoo!
So that's about it for us. I am finishing up 14-days of antibiotics, but I'm still congested. I am hoping it doesn't come raging back after I finish the last pill tomorrow.
I've been sick for three weeks this coming Friday. I am hoping that's it. I am ready for Spring!!!
Posted by Mrs. Russ-a-lee at 12:53 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sniff Sniff
Still congested and feeling poorly. Thankfully the weather was really nice today. Everyone got some much needed fresh air. The garage got the salt and grime powerwashed out. It really needed it!
Today was court warming for my nephew. I had to deliver his clothes to him. He doesn't like to keep them at home because my brother smokes in the house and Cody hates smelling like an ashtray. Can't say I blame him. So I ironed everything and delivered it to him. He looked so handsome! His girlfriend looked adorable too. They went with one of Cody's friends and his girl friend. A handsome group for sure!
We had dinner out at Red Robin. Yummy! No cooking for me which was even better!
Kori is complaining of a sore throat and her glands feel huge! Rats! Jason and I are supposed to go to lunch and a movie tomorrow, but we'll have to see how things go.
Anyhow, I leave you with a few pictures:
Posted by Mrs. Russ-a-lee at 9:51 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
I Caved
I felt so awful yesterday I caved and went to the doctor. So I have a sinus infection, an upper respiratory infection and possibly strep throat. My throat was very red but not pussy. He didn't culture it because he was giving me antibiotics anyway. My ears "didn't look too bad, but I can see why they are bothering you". Whatever that means.
So I feel like doggy doo today. My throat is REALLY sore and I just feel bad overall. I am counting down the hours until the girls nap time. By girls nap time, I mean our nap time.
On a good note, the weather is warmer and the sun is shining. Just wish I felt better.
Posted by Mrs. Russ-a-lee at 8:47 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It's been two weeks for the little girls, and almost two weeks for me and we're still snotting, coughing, sneezing and a few other words that end in i-n-g I'm sure. I am really over it. I was feeling better and then last night, not so much. I am wiping Alexis and Kamryn's noses non-stop now. Kori is coughing and snotting. Jason woke up today and announced, "I'm congested". My response? Welcome to the club! I was probably a bit grouchy about it, but it's ran it's course as far as I am concerned.
On to better things. Jason was SUPER thrilled his team, the Steelers, won the Super Bowl. We had some people over, mostly people that work for Jason, and a few he worked with in the past, and their spouses, kids etc. I made a big pot of chili and people brough appetizers/desserts. It was a nice time and a good game so things went well. Afterwards I cleaned everything up and wiped the bathrooms down again. Party? What party? Everything back in order, just how I like it. It's the OCD in me.
Today the girls had their developmental screening through Parents As Teachers. I am always fascinated to watch them interact with our parent educator Pam. Very cute! Developmentally they are on schedule and in some areas ahead of schedule. Glad to hear that! I think they do okay, but it's nice to have someone else's opinion.
So that's about it from Germville. Spring? Spring? Where are you Spring? I could use a nice visit from you now. It's too early I know, but a girl can dream!
Posted by Mrs. Russ-a-lee at 10:11 PM 0 comments