Monday, November 5, 2007


So today I am going through Kori's folder after school. There is an orange piece of construction paper in there with eight numbers on it. I asked Kori what it was. She says, very nonchalantly I might add, "Oh that's Javen's phone number. He wanted me to have it". Now if I could have instantly recorded the expression on Jason's face, I would have. It was PRICELESS! Javen is an adorable little boy who the whole class developed a soft spot for as he broke his foot/leg just before school started and spent the first 2 months of school in a wheel chair. I've seen him, he is very cute and so tiny. Kori's at least 2 feet taller than him. Anyway, Jason informs her that there is one too many numbers in the phone number anyway. I inform her that we're way too young for boys phone numbers, besides, we don't call boys. (Man do I EVER sound like my parents (shudder)). It was so funny to see Jason react. While I don't long for the teenage years, it could be interesting.

This is all following up her tale she told us a week or so ago. It went a little something like this. "Mom, do you know that we don't kiss boys at school." (Me) "Uh, yes, I know that, why?" (Kori) "Well Heaven kissed Javen twice today...ON THE LIPS!!!". (Well her name is Heaven after all...sounds like a rocker type rebellious chick to me huh? ) Oh man, they start so young nowadays. I informed Kori that it would be of her best interests to keep her lips to herself for MANY years to come. I further instructed her that if she didn't it would bring about a storm (called Hurricane Daddy) that I don't think we are near ready to weather yet. She informed me "Duh, mom. Boys are yucky!". Whew (sigh of relief!)

The trio are doing their best work to try and master the Itsy Bitsy Spider. It is so fun to teach them new things and see them put them to use. While most days are manic and go by in a blur, these things are what makes it so rich for me!

JEALOUSY is running rampant in our household as of late. Today Alexis crawled upon my lap for a little cuddle time while we watched some Disney Channel. Well after a few minutes Kamryn thought she should join in. Well she was just about to climb up when Alexis firmly placed her palm on Kamryn's forhead, applied a little gentle pressure and firmly stated "Nooooooooooooo!". Kamryn was crushed. I did let her up and gently assured Alexis there was plenty of room for her sisters. Morgan thought she better try it out so up she came. Not sure what the cat was thinking when he joined in. After a few minutes of having his fur stroked...the wrong way, he promptly abandoned his post. Smart move kitty! After numerous elbows, knees, hands, feet etc. I was ready to call it quits myself. It can be exhausting!

The girls do play great together most of the time. Kamryn has taken a liking to our Laugh and Learn Piggybank. Well the other girls like it too and take exception to Kamryn wanting to monopolize it all the time. Today it was an all out tug of war between Kamryn and Alexis. Well Kamryn fell over in the process which resulted in a few tears and lots of dramatic wailing. Alexis seized the moment and took off running across the living room with her evil laugh going. (It really is evil and VERY funny!) Kamryn was looking all over for the piggybank. On the floor, under the stool (it would NEVER fit there, but hey, give her some credit I suppose!) After being unable to locate it, she threw her hands in the air and gave a very sorrowful "Oh no!" It was too cute. And since she was playing with it first, prior to the tug o' war, I promptly retrieved it and returned it to her. Much to Alexis' dismay. Well dismay that lasted only seconds before busying herself with another toy.

Well I am coming down with a cold or some sinus junk. Always fun with kiddos on hand. No sick days here. I have zero energy and feel very blach, but hey, the world keeps on a turning so I must keep one foot in front of the other, or at least that's what I keep on telling myself.

I'm coming cold medicine and warm bed...