Monday, November 19, 2007

Tis the season...

I am so sick of coughing (others and my own), snot/boogers (again, others and my own) and just general cruddiness. I wish it would get REALLY cold for about a week and kill all the germs for a bit so maybe we could give the Kleenex/cold medicine business a bit of a break.

Jason's sister and kiddos arrived late Friday night for a short visit. She was aching to see the girls and drove in from Cincinnate for a short visit. It was great! She is very helpful and fun to have around. The kids were great with the girls and my girls loved the extra attention! Korbyn is 15 and is maturing and just really turning into a nice young man. Domenic is now 10. He was a different kid from when we last saw him. It's amazing what a year or two will do to kids and how it changes them. Siena is 7 now and her and Kori get along well! It was a nice visit! Domenic ended up sick and at urgent care on Sunday morning. He had an ear/sinus infection and got a few different scrips to help him get better. He threw up just before they were leaving but it must have been just from feeling cruddy and all the drainage and such. I talked to Janean this evening and they had arrived home safely and were glad to be home. They drove 1/2 way last night and stopped to sleep a bit before continuing on this morning. I really appreciate her driving all this way and back in such a short time to see the girls. It was a wonderful gesture!

Got all my Thanksgiving dinner shopping done today. Man it can get expensive! It will be fun but I know I will be glad to have it over too. The food is always great and the time with family is fun too, but it's nice to not have it hanging over my head too.

Tomorrow is Grandparents Day at Kori's school tomorrow. She is very excited! In the afternoon I am taking some pumpkin pies up and helping with their Thanksgiving feast. That should be fun! Ms. Phillips and Ms. Weber (another Kindergarten teacher) are supplying the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and stufing. Other kids were asked to bring in specific items. Ours was pumpkin pie. Kori is always glad to have me at school helping out. Hopefully the girls will nap well while I am gone since Jason will be sleeping too. Have I mentioned how sick of nights I am recently? Oh probably so, better let that one go for now.

Today I brought up some different toys for the girls. I figure they probably get tired of playing with the same stuff so I thought I'd mix it up a bit. They were safely gated in the living room and I went to throw on some clothes. Came back less than five minutes later and what did I find? EVERY diaper in the large diaper basket strewn about the room. Every toy dumped from the laundry basket that previously contained them and the three of them sitting in the basket watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney. It couldn't have been comfy by looking at them all crammed in there, but hey, they spent 8-months crammed in my belly so this was probably nothing for them huh? It was funny to watch them! The peace and serenity lasted only a few seconds before one snatched something from the other and all heck broke loose again. It looked like Toys-R-Us threw up all over my living room. Thankfully at the end of everynight everything is returned to it's rightful place and my inner peace returns with the chaos being picked up and the chaos creators all tucked snugly in their beds. Life is good though!

Kamryn continues to perfect her walking skills. I am so very proud of her and relieved as well!!!! She isn't fast or graceful by any means, but she does a super job! She is so proud of herself too! I will take her to her P.T. appointment on 11/30 and see what they have to say. I don't know if they will still want her to have the braces to strengthen her ankles/heels or not. At any rate, I am pleased with our progress in this area.

Today it was in the 70's. More of the same tomorrow before it starts to cool off in the afternoon/evening. Then only in the 30's for both Wednesday and Thursday and only the 40's for the rest of the week. No wonder we all have colds. Make up your mind Mother Nature! Pick a season and stick with it for a while!