Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chocolate, ice cream and/or vodka

All of those sound good to me about now. It was one of those days! After getting Kori to school and dressing, changing and feeding the trio, I was ready to face the day. Well not really, but I didn't have a choice. Jason had work tonight so he was sleeping in like he always does on the morning that he heads back to work.

I took the girls to the family room to distract them from the tree. It's too tempting! In a matter of minutes it looked like Toys-R-Us erupted in there. Alexis has been quite clingy lately. Could be the sniffles she still has (I still have my crud too...3 weeks now...), teeth that are coming in, or just the fact that she's spoiled. (Yes it is possible to spoil triplets. I've done a wonderful job at it...sigh). She spent the better part of the morning on my lap or trying to get in my lap. I drew the line when I was going to the bathroom (#1 only...not that you were wondering but I felt I should clarify anyway) and she wanted up. Thanks but no thanks.

Jason rolled down about Noon. Oh man I remember when I used to sleep until noon. He promptly got dressed and headed out to run errands. I changed, fed, cleaned up and put the trio down for their naps before eating some lunch myself. Seems I forgot to eat anything for breakfast. That's a common occurrence around here.

I did some laundry etc. and piddled while the girls napped. Jason popped back home about 3:00 with new cell phones. This thing has a camera, plays music/videos, launches rockets, receives alien transmissions. It's mind boggling. My requirements were that it have a bigger display than my old phone (it was TINY and hard to see) and a louder ringer. I could never hear mine ring. I got that and so much more. I really should read the manual so I know what all it does. I never do and I know I should.

I dashed out to get Kori from school and got home just in time to get a kiss from my dear husband as he headed off to off-duty before going in for his regular shift. (Sigh.........). Made dinner, changed sheets on all the girls beds. Did more laundry. Refolded some clothes from a basket that I had in the hall that Morgan decided to unfold and drag down the hall way...three times. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson after the 1st or 2nd time huh? I am not a quick one. Vacuumed the kitchen floor since the trio had a blast playing in the dog food today. Not to mention the fact there were hot dog pieces, Cheerio's, Cheez-It's and other crumbs all over it. I did this while Kamryn followed me around with her hands on the cannister part of the vacuum. She loves the vibration from it. So I drug it and her all around the kitchen floor while trying to vacuum it. Supervised Kori's bath, cleaned up the dinner mess, did more laundry. Then it was time to clean up the trio and get them in jammies. Pick up the million and one toys all over the family room. Thankfully the living room only had a couple out.

I got the trio down about 8:40. Kamryn promptly fell asleep like she does 99.9% of the time. Alexis and Morgan did some crib diving, blankie swaping, binkie snatching, wall kicking, pants removing, feet through the crib bars maneuvering etc. before finally falling asleep about 9:40. Sigh...

Kori had her stories and was sound asleep by 9:05. Finally QUIET! I had to carry out the trash and then sat down to catch the last couple minutes of Dancing With The Stars. I like the show but the two-hour finale is about an hour and a half long in my eyes. I was glad that Helio and Julianne won.

I talked to my mom for a bit and told her it was "one of those days" and I needed chocolate, ice cream or vodka. I then decided maybe a chocolate vodka ice cream combo might be worth looking into. Totally kidding. I love my kids but days like today when it's all me with no one to run interference, they are exhausting! I am thankful to see bedtime come on these types of days. I chased kids out of laundry, DVD's, Playstation games, dog food, the Christmas tree, my food cabinet, dresser drawers, the toilet, bath tub (while Kori was in it), Kori's room (that is a big no-no), among other places I'm sure I've forgotten to mention. I seriously need to put tracking devices on them to help me keep them close by. I have learned that QUIET = TROUBLE with these three. If they are too quiet they are getting something they shouldn't.

Today is a day that I say "Tomorrow will be better" when I go to sleep. The girls are good but a handful sometimes. Having them wrap their little arms around my neck, leg or whatever and give me big ol' slobbery kisses, nothing beats that! I am blessed and thankful, but tired and mindful that bedtime was created for mommy's to regain their sanity. And maybe have a bowl of chocolate vodka crunch ice cream. :-)