Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Jason!

Well much to his dismay he has turned 37. He is NONE too happy about it and spent the better part of 20-minutes last night trying to convince me that 37 is still "mid 30's". I informed him that it's "late 30's" but he didn't want to hear that. He then remembered that he was a mere 25 when we began dating. I hated to point out that I was 23. Yikes, we're getting old. Oh well, I've always said your only as old as you feel. I might need to rethink that because in my case I feel 80 on some days.

The girls and I took Jason out for dinner last night. He enjoyed a prime rib dinner at Texas Roadhouse. He enjoyed "dessert" even more. The 10 or so, very young, very buxom servers line dancing a few feet over from our table. He proclaimed it to be the best restaurant in town at that point. It was good and we enjoyed our dinner. I think he enjoyed the entertainment more than I did. The girls were enthralled too, but for totally different reasons.

We were lame in our gift to him however. We gave him money because he wants to get a new cell phone so I figured that could go into the cell phone fund. He just doesn't give me good ideas on what to get him anymore. It's always something lame like a new softball bat. Oh yeah, like I can just run and pick one of those up. Geesh!

The girl sitting next to Kori that puked at lunch the other day apparently just got choked while coughing. Whew, no tummy virus germs spread for right now. I went to Kori's school on Friday for the awards program for the Math-a-thon they did in October. It was nice and fun to be involved. Kori's name was drawn for a plug n' play video game system. I was so excited for her! I always feel coated with germs when I come home from there. Especially after being in the gym with 700 students, plus faculty. Yikes, I wanted to gargle Purell when I came home. Instead I washed my hands, changed out of my day-glo orange (think hunting orange) "Gethcha Head In The Game - Math-a-thon 2007" t-shirt and off we went. Kori was thrilled to have me at school and proclaimed me to be the "best mommy EVER". Cool!

Kamryn had her appointment Friday with the Physical Therapy Department at Children's Mercy. She has some weak ankles that turn in and don't always give her good support so she will continue with therapy every other week and will be fitted for some braces that will help stabilize her ankles. No big deal thank goodness. I'm glad I went with my "mommy instinct" instead of just thinking it would happen "in her own time". I knew it was a bit more than that. That being said being at Chidren's Mercy Hospital puts your life in a whole different perspective. There were kids with cancer, Cerebal Palsy, broken limbs, paralyzed limbs, and who knows what else and that was on the way in. On the way out we were greeted as we were getting on the elevator by a beautiful little girl who had no arms below the elbows and no legs below the knees. It was a not so gentle reminder that my problems are so very small, while my blessings too big to be measured.

Still feeling cruddy. Now it seems to be a respiratory type thing. Lots of coughing and congestion. I have alternated between feeling okay today to just being completely exhausted and sleepy. It's weird. I finally mustered up some energy for laundry and such. Plus I gave all four girlies a bath. That definitely takes energy.

Wishing my dad would get some relief from the pain he is in. Always hard to see your parents, or anyone you love for that matter, walking with the help of a walker. He will have two procedures next week to hopefully alleviate the pain. He's been housebound all week and him and my mom are about to crawl the walls. They came up for a bit today to see the girls. We were going over there but my mom said he wanted to get out for some fresh air. The girls were super happy to see them, as usual. My dad looked so tired, man getting old is for the birds.

So I am off to fold another load of clothes, shower and say my prayers before falling asleep. I must remember to thank God for my wonderful husband, albeit another year older, but still 25 in my eyes. My beautiful children, I am the luckiest mom in the world! My terrific family, well most of them. (Insert winking eye here). And the few friends who have stuck by me during some crazy things in my life. I am grateful and blessed!!!