Friday, April 30, 2010


My sister has mentioned to me several times over the past few weeks they she's sick of logging in and seeing my last post from AGES ago. So here I am! My computer has been in the shop...again but I'm here. I made this long post the other night from my Blackberry to appease my sister and get her off my back (kidding...kind of) and the Blackberry apparently enjoyed it so much, it ate it. At the risk of wearing out my thumbs trying to do it again, I waved the white flag of surrender.

So since I can use a full-size keyboard, voila, here I am!

Jason is back today from a week-long trip to Alabama for training for work. The girls and I took him to the airport last Sunday. His flight left KC at about 10:15 and by 11:30 I know that I had been asked at least 100 times if it was time for daddy to come home. Hmmm, how to rectify this situation? I finally went to the calendar, showed the girls what day we were on, marked a big ol' heart of Friday, the day he would be coming home, in an attempt for them to actually visualize the days that needed to pass, and me not have to answer that question a million times a day. It helped, a little. Oh well, they were missing him, I understand.

Of course Sunday night everyone was sick. Fever for Kamryn. Kori had been home Friday with a sore throat/cough/sinus pressure etc. that lasted all weekend so she was home sick Monday as well. Alexis and Morgan had coughs/congestion. Of course! Tuesday I took both Morgan and Kamryn to the doctor. Morgan had been up at 1am complaining of ear pain. Kamryn informed me that morning at breakfast that if Morgan was going to the doctor, she was going too, because her ear hurt too. Awesome! Off we go. Ear infections for both. Pink medicine for both. Life is good!

With the magic of technology Jason was able to send a video every night at bedtime, telling them good night, blowing kisses etc. They LOVED it! Every night they couldn't wait to watch it. It was so cute seeing them waving when he waved, and blowing kisses back.

I was actually relatively unstressed about this trip and took it in stride. Unfortunately I think that means I am getting used to doing everything myself and am adjusting to it all. That might not be such a great thing.

We kept a great schedule, everyone got to bed by 9pm every night and I was able to have some "me time" and recollect any sanity that had become dislodged in its attempt to flee.

Alexis had the most trouble with it all. Everyday she would express, several times a day, how much she missed and loved daddy. It was very sweet. Morgan seemed annoyed by the whole thing. Every morning she would go up to our bedroom, discover that daddy was once again, not sleeping in our bed, and in her most grumpiest voice declare, "Ughhhhh daddy isn't here YET???? He is gone every single day!" And off she'd grump back downstairs. HYSTERICAL!

Thursday night as I was silently celebrating the week and surviving it all, in my own head while finishing up the kitchen/after dinner mess I heard Alexis crying. In she came and informed me Morgan pushed her. Not unusual for some sort of violence to take place unfortunately. So I turn around casually only to discover that Alexis is bleeding a bit from her nose. So I clean that up, summon Morgan, and plop her in the floor in the kitchen where I can properly supervise her while I finish up my work. Kamryn decides this is a great time to come and pester/heckle Morgan. That won her a similar spot on the floor, just across the kitchen from Morgan. She then proceeds to start with the sassy mouth. Ooooooh, this girl can be sassy. She is perfecting the art of eye rolling which is not going over well with me I must say. I advise her it would be in her best interest to cease the sassy talk and aforementioned eye rolling. So she told me, "You are being ridiculous and you need to get over it". I warned her again of her mouth and then she informed me she was going to "find somewhere else to live". I offered to help her pack. So the sassy/temper won out, she declared me "mean" and got a trip to bed without a snack or bedtime story. Now you'd think that Morgan would learn from her behavior. Not so! She informed me, as I'd taken 3 steps back into the kitchen from putting Kamryn to bed not 10-seconds earlier, "Kam's wight, you are being weally, weally mean" (yes I meant it to be spelled that way). Guess what she got? Yep, to bed sans snack and story just like her sister.

Oh kids, they are so sweet aren't they? I am blessed to have them and never have to remind myself of that once I see their sleeping sweet faces every night.

I was rewarded after a long week of daddy being away, with him having to go to work a mere 3 1/2 hours after his plane landed. I am thrilled he has a job, in these economic times, don't get me wrong, but it's a little easy to lose patience with it sometimes. Oh well, I'm just used to it.

So that's it for us. I will have to post soon about my "Monday" that was everything a Monday could hope to be. It was AWFUL! I will save that for another day and another post. For now, I am tired.

Becky, I hope you are happy now! A new post and already a promise of another one! Mwah!