Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I'm here. Just a bit uninspired as of late. My days have been filled with fixing meals, cleaning up mess from said meals, laudndry, kid messes, homework, housework, laundry. All mundane tasks I know. But this morning I figured it could be worse, I could be the girl that was driving the Northland Poop Scooping truck through my neighborhood. She stopped at our neighbors and got out with an arsenal of utensils, shovels, scoops etc. The truck contained several different bins, which I won't even think about what they contained (yuck!). What an awful job. Driving around scooping up the dog excrement of others. No thank you!!! I'll pass and stick to my mundane tasks.

School is going great. Jason is loving the new job. The little girls are trying hard to drive me insane. Life is life. My mom celebrated her 65th birthday last week. It was a bit rough without my dad but we all got through it. We took her to dinner on Saturday. My crew, plus my sis and her kiddos. 4 adults, 7 kids, no fiascos= SUCCESS!!! My mom celebrated further by getting a nasty case of poison ivy or oak. Not fun!

So that's where I've been and what I've been doing. I'm going to give being a better blogger the old college try!