Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Six Years Ago

I lost my sister Margaret. This will be a redundant post, every August 25th, for as long as I blog. She was truly one of the most beautiful people ever! Yes, she could drive you absolutely crazy too, but who doesn't?

Tiny and petite with a laugh that at times could seriously hurt your ears. She was a lover of dancing and having fun in any sense of the word. Although she had a heart condition her whole life, she was always game to do anything. Roller coasters? Check! Dancing until you were about to collapse? Check! Bike riding? Check (she did go slower than most, but she stuck with it). She was not a great cook, and an even worse baker. We all cringed at Christmas time when she would announce all the things she was going to bake. Her list of 10 or more things would dwindle to one or two after the recipes didn't quite work out, or they got a bit more done than she intended. Funny although she wasn't a great cook, she taught me how to make a wonderful lasagna, the best white cream gravy ever, and she taught Becky her stir-fry secrets.

She was a lover of animals, all of them, but especially dogs and cats. She would have saved them all if she could. Housework was not her thing but we all knew that. Her closet often looked as if a volcano had erupted in it, but that's part of who she was.

Hard to believe that at noon, six years ago, my sweet and beautiful sister, one of my very best friends, gave up her lifelong fight with heart issues and succumbed to it all. She was a fighter to the end and is missed so very much by each and every one of us.


Anonymous said...

I remembered that this was coming up...I knew it was around my birthday.

Great memories....