Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Seven Years Ago Today

On, Monday, December 17th, 2001, at 5:00 P.M., my sweet, precious, much anticipated, perfect, red headed little bundle (well not so little at 8 lbs., 10 oz., but you get the idea) was born. Seriously? SEVEN years???? Oh man where has the time gone. She is now more often sassy than sweet. She has three little sisters and one tired and haggard mom.

For her birthday she got a room redo. I will post pictures soon! It turned out really nice and she loves it very much. We also got her an outfit and little sisters got her some new Play-Doh. She got a new paint job, a new lamp shade, new comforter and sham, new rug, new sheets, new curtain, decals for the wall. It is now a sweet shade of periwinkle and very suited for her. I just can't get over her being 7!!!!

Today was a self-imposed snow day. The weather was awful this morning at 7am. We already had at least 2 inches, but for some reason her school district hadn't canceled. Jason worked a 15-hour shift instead of the normal 10-hours due to the day shift being short. We discussed it, and we decided it was a snow day for us. I would have had to drag the little girls out and I had a feeling that it would be a short day. I figured as soon as I got her there, in a few short hours I'd be turning around to go and get her again and that was the case. At 10am the phone rang and it was the pre-recorded message stating that the district was following it's early release schedule. Glad I went with my gut. No reason to risk it. I don't condone missing school for a few flakes but it was snowing a lot and had been for a while I didn't figure it would get any better.

Jason got home about 12:45 just as I had finished shoveling our driveway and walks. Our driveway is HUGE when it needs shoveled. My back is definitely feeling it. I am soooo over winter and it isn't even officially winter yet. Blach!

I had to venture to Sam's today to pick up cupcakes for Kori's class in the event there is school tomorrow. I made it there relatively easy. The littles were sleeping, as was Jason and Kori opted to hang out at home and veg with some TV and coloring instead of braving the roads with me. It wasn't too bad. Getting back was a bit trickier since the highway was a parking lot. I had to detour and take the long way home but did it relatively easily.

There is an ice storm on the way for Thursday. I am hoping school is canceled Friday since it is a half day and I'm in charge of the craft for the class winter party. Can you tell I'm dreading it???

At any rate, happy birthday Kori! Mommy and daddy love you so very, very much!


Liz said...

Happy Birthday Kori!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Kori. You have made life so much better for all of us. I love you!!!!

Sharon Gartrell Photography Fort Worth said...

Kori I hope you had a great birthday! You are so loved by your Mom!

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) Birthday, Kori! I remember going to the hospital to see you the day you were born!