Monday, December 1, 2008

For Christmas I'd Like...

My children to be equipped with MUTE buttons. **Sigh** For so many years I longed to be called mother. These days I'd like to hire a hypnotist to deprogram them from saying mom, mommy, mother (thanks Kori), ma, madre, mami and any other derivitives I've failed to mention. Morgan likes to say it just to say it. Today while I was cooking dinner she kept coming in and saying "Mommy" and then she'd run off. She did this about 25-30 times. She was way more amused than I was.

Kori used my favorite version "muuu-ther" (said in a VERY exasperated manner)on several occasions today. I'm sure it was during the several times I was also "ruining her life". **Sigh**

Kamryn had a 30-minute scream fest (really it was SCREAMING) over things she didn't want to watch on TV. First it was the Tinkerbell movie that Disney was playing. So I flipped it to Dora the Explorer, that is a favorite. Uh nope, not today. Great, further channel surfing revealed Wow, Wow Wubzy! (not a favorite of mine) and apparently not a favorite of hers today either. Nothing I found would silence the screaming. I eventually put her in her crib and closed the door. My head couldn't take it. After returned from Crazy Land where she thankfully bought a round trip ticket she enjoyed her lunch and took a nap.

Alexis was good today. Until around 8:00 when she decided it would be fun to get really mad and scream (she has a set of lungs!) in the playroom. It just kept bouncing off those 4 walls. Poor Kori finally kicked her out. The thrill of it was lost as the shrill shrieking didn't bounce off the walls in the family room like they did in the play room.

Kori melted down about 8:30 when Morgan accidentally crumpled up a paper of hers. Apparently it was her pride and joy scrap of paper because she wailed and bellowed for so long I finally made her brush her teeth and go to bed.

I put the littles down around 9:00 and then waited for the jumping, singing, talking, dancing, giggling, shrieking, etc. to die down and for peace to envelope my home.

I celebrated with some ice cream. Super Cookie Dough Chunk or something with crushed Xanax and whipped cream as a topping (we were out of Chocolate Vodka Crunch dang it!). I'm kidding, about the Xanax that is, not about the ice cream. I did enjoy some ice cream. Alone. In the living room. Where it was Q-U-I-E-T!

The movie theaters are right...Silence is golden!