Monday, December 1, 2008

Allow Me To Embarass Myself

I'm going to embarass myself here. I am doing it for you all. I know you will enjoy it, so I am taking one for the proverbial team if you will.

I take Kori to school in the mornings. Someday maybe she'll ride the bus, but for now I take her. It is not uncommon for me to do so in my pajamas. I don't wear skimpy nighties or anything like that. Mostly pajamas. You know cute pants with kitties or polar bears, stars or moons, things like that. (I know, I know, I'm lucky I have kids at all huh?) They have matching shirts that look like t-shirts. My favorite is the one that goes with the pants that have penguins and igloos on them and the shirt says "Your Igloo Or Mine". Where was I? Oh right, taking Kori to school. (Sometimes I suffer from a mild form of adult A.D.D. I believe). If the weather is nice I don't mind throwing on shorts or what have you to go. It's when the weather is cold that I hate taking off my warm thermal or flannel jammies. It just seems so unfair! Kori has made a few comments, mostly in the beginning of winter last year.

Add to this the fact that I almost always wear flip flops. Even in the winter. I keep the heat on my feet so it's all good. Well today I wore my gown. I don't often wear gowns but this one is particularly warm. It comes to my ankles and is super cozy and comfy. I threw on my gray sweat shirt jacket thing (Jason LOVES this jacket...NOT!) and my trusty flip flops and off I went. Well I tried. Kori gave me the up and down look a few times before saying, "Wow I am so glad you don't get out of the car in the mornings". Like I ever would. I'd die from embarssment for sure!

On the way to school I had her convinced that I was going to jump out and scream "Good by Kori, mommy loves you so much!" She was MORTIFIED! It was funny to see. As we pulled the line to drop her off at the door I said okay are you ready and I opened my door. Her face was classic. It was worth it! She told her father this evening, "You should have seen the get-up mom had on this morning when she took me to school, yikes!" Maybe that bus riding thing will be coming sooner rather than later!

Another embarssing moment, but just a glimpse of how my life can go. It was one of "those" days today. Just not good. But hey they happen huh? Well anyway I retreated to the bathroom today (don't worry I'm sparing any gory details). It was sooooo nice and quiet I thought about staying for an hour or two but knew I would surely be missed. Not 45-seconds after I got there, I hear clumping up the stairs to our bedroom/bathroom area. Kori you ask? Nope! The littles? Wrong again! My husband. Who decided at this very moment he had the most important thing in the world to try and tell me through the bathroom door (I turned on the little exhaust fan thing to drown out the kids screaming and fussing downstairs -- it was ruining my quiet time). So I turn off the fan to hear what just couldn't wait. Wanna know what it was? Sure you do! Someone at his work was selling Girl Scout Cookies and did I want any. Really? Really? THIS is what was so earth shattering that you had to pick THIS moment to come and share with me. We had been sitting in the same room for a couple hours without so much as a mention about it. I opened the door (flung it open would be more accurate if your splitting hairs) and told him I'd LOVE to give him my order for soon as I was done! I know where my kids get it now. I know why my dad tried to intercept us before we could interrup my mom's "toilet quiet time" as kids. I totally getit now. I appreciate it now!

Tomorrow is a new day...tomorrow is a new day...