Friday, October 19, 2007

Happiness Is...

On busy and overwhelming days like today I like to reflect on the things that make me happy in my life. There are LOTS!!!!!

Happiness is seeing three little ones blow kisses to their big sister as she gets out of the van at school.

Happiness is hearing the laughter of your children! It is the cure all for everything!!!!

Happiness is the pride in knowing you fed your kiddos LOTS of veggies for dinner and they didn't even mind!

Happiness is dancing in the living room with your four beautiful daughters. Daughters you were certain you were NEVER going to have!

Happiness is being smothered by kisses by your four beautiful daughters! Nothing is better!

Happiness is wrestling and giggling in the living room floor!

Happiness is horsey rides through the living room.

Happiness is an AWESOME first report card! GREAT JOB KORI!!!!!!!!!!!

Happiness is the smell of freshly bathed kiddos.

Happiness is knowing that you survived an awfully hectic today and everyone went to bed happy.

Happiness is snuggling up with Kori at bedtime and reading three books!

Happiness is bursting with pride as Kori reads you sentences from her bi-weekly Kindergarten newsletter. I got teary I tell you! I think she thought I was nuts, but man was I ever proud of her!!!!

Happiness is checking on the trio and Kamryn sitting up from sleeping holding her arms up. Picking her up and having her snuggle on your shoulder for some extra sleepy loving! Oh man, my heart could burst!!!

Happiness is being a mom, when you never in a million years would have imagined that life would have turned out like this.

Happiness is the quiet of the house when everyone is asleep. Ahhhhhh!!!!