Friday, October 26, 2007


Oh man what a week!!!! It's been busy, busy, busy, as you can tell by my lack of posting on here. Jason had off-duty Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, today and tomorrow as well. Mind you today and tomorrow he works off-duty before work and then heads off to work. Makes for busy days for me, that is for sure.

We had Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday. Kori is doing great! Ms. Phillips said she is a pleasure to have in class and "always wants to do the right thing". That made me so proud! She is performing at an above average level, which is good too! It was surreal for Jason and I to be going to conferences...we still feel so young and un-important. I took Kori to school on Thursday then went in for their book fair. Then it was a half day so I had to go back at 12:30 to pick her up. Then back up for conferences at 2:40, it was crazy! In between the book fair and her early release I ran to Walmart while Jason had the trio. We were getting low on the necessities so I thought I'd better go while I had the chance.

Today was another early release day. I took Kori for her flu shot at 2:45. Only a few tears. She really works herself up and then realizes it doesn't even really hurt. Maybe she'll remember that next year.

My parents came yesterday and today to keep the trio so I didn't have to drag them out. I appreciated it and I'm sure the trio did as well.

Kamryn has an appointment with the Physical Therapy department on November 9th. She still isn't walking and seems to have issues with her right foot. It turns strange and such so we'll see what they say. She is a mega tippy toe walker as well, no matter what we do. I've been concerned about this for so long but the doctor always had a "she has good muscle tone in her legs lets give her more time" type of approach, but I'm ready to see if something else is going on with her. I certainly hope it's something simple.

Kori went home with my parents this afternoon. She was ready to spend some time with Nanie and Pop-A. She loves the one-on-one attention. I have a flu shot tomorrow morning...yippee! Oh well, they don't bother me in the least. I had to cancel Jason's since he doesn't get off work until 7, his appointment wasn't until 8:45, but he wouldn't have gotten home until probably close to 9:30 and since he has to get up at 3:00 for off-duty I just figured we could do it another day.

Well the girls are all doing so much fun stuff lately. Alexis is becoming quite the "dancer"! She does some backwards walking jig thing. It's a total riot! She cracks herself up! Morgan is trying to say Mickey Mouse...the Mickey is a bit unclear but Mouse sounds pretty good. She joined Kamryn today in the ability to say "Spongebob" too, only for her it is "Bob-Bob". It's very sweet! She also says "EWWWWWWW" very emphatically when something is stinky or yucky to her. Kamryn loves to smell her own feet and then say "yuck" or "caca". It is a kill! Instead of inhaling though she blows on her foot. It's too cute!

Well I should shower and enjoy some of the quiet alone time, it's a rare thing!

Congrats to my friend Liz and her hubby Steve on their new home purchase! Hope the moving was smooth and your getting settled in! Can't wait to see it!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I Survived

Tonight I kept some friends of ours' kids. They have a 9-year old boy, a 7-year old boy an almost 4-year old girl, add in my four and I had a house full! I think Jason was super excited to leave the house at 7:15 to go to work. I kept them from 6-10pm. The girls LOVED having the extra attention. Kori was excited to have people to play with. The boys were fascinated with the girls so I really didn't have to do to much. Just make sure there wasn't a lot of rough housing, but all-in-all, not too bad! It's nice to have someone to do this with. We've decided we're going to keep it up. Every few months we'll keep each others kids so we can have date nights with our hubby's. Her husband is an officer to. I actually went out with him a couple of times which is kind of funny. He's a super guy, we just always were friends. She's a sweet heart and has been an awesome friend to me. She used to watch Kori on Monday's when I worked. I wanted Kori to have interaction with other kids and she wanted a part-time gig so it worked out great. Kori had a blast going there as well, so even better. She's been great about coming over and helping me with the girls a couple of times a month. She's brought us meals both when the girls were born and also when I had my gallbladder removed. She took Kori swimming several times last summer when the girls were first born. It was great for Kori because she got away from the routine for a bit and got to be a kid for a few hours. She's been a very loyal friend to me and we're blessed to have her in our lives. She loves my girls like her own and isn't "afraid" of the fact there are three of them. Gotta love that!

It was a nice day here today. It was in the upper 70's and a bit breezy but so nice! Kori and I ran a couple of errands and then we came home and enjoyed the outside for a while. It's supposed to be super crappy next week so I thought we better take advantage of it. The trio got a ride in the choo-choo wagon, which always makes them happy! Morgan and Alexis were walking all over the place outside. I wish Kamryn would join in. I'm just so worried about her lack of walking. I know I probably should, but I am. I am having her pediatrician refer us to a physical therapist to make sure there's not something else going on. She's getting better about standing and such and will take a few steps but it just seems like her feet don't always want to do what their supposed to. I just worry about them so much! I always have, I'm a nervous ninny on some things. Overall though they are wonderful! Kamryn may lack in the mobility department but the girl can talk a blue streak!

I took Kori to the library again today. It's the 2nd time this month. Her school encourages each student to read 32 books a year. The Kindergartners are also encouraged to read at least 15-books a month. Last month we didn't get our sheet about it until the 15th of September. We did our 15-books though. We got it on time this month and thus far we've read 42 books! I read to her but Kori is starting to be able to read some of the more simple sentences which is awesome! She is picking out more and more words and I'm just amazed! We usually check out 25 books at a time or so. Today I think we got 28! She loves to read! We do it every night, it's our ritual and has been for a long time! I am a bookworm myself and if I had more time would always have my nose stuffed in a book.

That being said, there are posters in the hall with all the students names on the, broken down by grades/teachers. For every 10 or so books you read you get a sticker. There are some that have LOTS of stickers, then others with none. It is so sad! I just hate that parents slack in, well parenting. It just hurts me to hear some of the things Kori comes home and says about her class mates. For example, they bring snacks everyday. Each student is assigned a day and you get a calendar at the beginning of the month telling you which day is your designated day. There have been the same kids on their day for the last 2 1/2 months that "forgot" to bring snacks on their day. There are always "extra" snacks around for those occasions, but it's just sad to me. They can also order books from Scholastic Books every month or two. Last month one of the little girls in the class cried because some of the other kids were getting books and she didn't get to order any. It breaks my heart! This is the same girl who didn't participate in the two weeks of "Color Week" or silly sock day. She said her dad always says no, it's just so depressing sometimes. Yesterday the boy assigned to bring snacks (the one who at the rock earlier in the week) "forgot" and it was even the day before his birthday. No special birthday snacks or nothing...I just wanted to cry. Being a grown-up sometimes is for the birds. I wish I had the means to help everyone, I just hate seeing kids suffer. Whether it be on basic things like this, or the fact that their parents won't read to them, even one book a night. It only takes 10-15 minutes, if that, depending on the book.

Well I've had a busy day, I think I'll retire for the night. The cooler/rainy weather is coming...I think Fall is here!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Happiness Is...

On busy and overwhelming days like today I like to reflect on the things that make me happy in my life. There are LOTS!!!!!

Happiness is seeing three little ones blow kisses to their big sister as she gets out of the van at school.

Happiness is hearing the laughter of your children! It is the cure all for everything!!!!

Happiness is the pride in knowing you fed your kiddos LOTS of veggies for dinner and they didn't even mind!

Happiness is dancing in the living room with your four beautiful daughters. Daughters you were certain you were NEVER going to have!

Happiness is being smothered by kisses by your four beautiful daughters! Nothing is better!

Happiness is wrestling and giggling in the living room floor!

Happiness is horsey rides through the living room.

Happiness is an AWESOME first report card! GREAT JOB KORI!!!!!!!!!!!

Happiness is the smell of freshly bathed kiddos.

Happiness is knowing that you survived an awfully hectic today and everyone went to bed happy.

Happiness is snuggling up with Kori at bedtime and reading three books!

Happiness is bursting with pride as Kori reads you sentences from her bi-weekly Kindergarten newsletter. I got teary I tell you! I think she thought I was nuts, but man was I ever proud of her!!!!

Happiness is checking on the trio and Kamryn sitting up from sleeping holding her arms up. Picking her up and having her snuggle on your shoulder for some extra sleepy loving! Oh man, my heart could burst!!!

Happiness is being a mom, when you never in a million years would have imagined that life would have turned out like this.

Happiness is the quiet of the house when everyone is asleep. Ahhhhhh!!!!


Well it's 2:05. I've managed to get everyone up and dressed, feed the crew, drop Kori off at school. Come back by the house load up the choo-choo wagon for the trio and off we went for flu shots. Kamryn remembered the nurse from shots last month and started to cry as soon as she saw her. The tears dried up after only a couple of minutes though. Well, except for Morgan who never cries. That girl has a super high pain tolerance. We came home and had playtime then lunch then all down for naps. Then it was on to laundry...still wondering how it ALL ends up here??? I made chicken salad for Jason and tuna salad for myself for lunch tomorrow. I also packed my hubby a lunch. Man am I a nice wife! Hope he appreciates me. (Wink!). Cleaned up that mess. Cleaned out the refrigerator. Ugh, more dishes then! On to dinner! I am now the proud owner of a big boiling pot of homemade vegetable soup! Yummy!!! Full of carrots, potatoes, Lima beans, soup shell pastas, green beans with a yummy tomato base! Oooooh I can't wait! Double yummy! Jason isn't a fan so it's a perfect meal for tonight since he'll be working off-duty before work. Got all that mess cleaned up and here I am. I am waiting for another load to be done drying. The girls will be up soon and then the madness resumes. Get everyone changed. Load up some drinks and snacks, get everyone loaded in the car to pick-up Kori from school. It's bath night too! It's a long day today. I should sleep well tonight.

I'm feeling a little blah today too. Not sure why. Just blah. Not crabby or sickly. Not really sad or depressed, just blah. Can't describe it any other way. The busy-ness of life can be just that, busy!

Well I better go fold the next load of clothes and drop more in. It's a vicious circle. Still wanting to get "Naked Week" going so we can go laundry free for a few days. Anyone else on board?

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Where does it come from and why does it always end up at my house? I just did laundry on Tuesday. Yes, the Tuesday that was just two mere days ago. But yet I have managed to amass five loads of laundry. Oy! I've knocked out two loads and may get another in before retiring for the evening.

The girls were up early this morning and took a nice afternoon nap, on time. They were up before 3:00 and I put them all down at 8:00. That gave them time to chat and socialize and all were asleep by 8:35! It was wonderful! They will hopefully do the same tomorrow. I have to get them up about 7:30 because I need to feed and dress them before we leave to take Kori to school. We're all going because after we drop her off I'm taking the trio to the doctors office for their flu shots. I'm taking them alone...gulp!!! I did the 15-month well baby check-up alone so I should be able to handle this, no problems! My mom offered to go with me, but I hate that she'd have to get up early to bail me out again. She has bad arthritis and has to be up a while to work out the joint stiffness. I just didn't want her to have to do that. My kids, my responsibility. That's my motto! They are all out of the dose for Kori's age group so we're on a waiting list for that one. Jason works tonight and then works off-duty before heading in for his regular shift tomorrow night. So that means it's all me, all day. I will be exhausted by tomorrow night, but what's a girl to do. It will prepare me for next week when he works off-duty on Tuesday and Wednesday on his days off and then before work on Friday and Saturday. Fun, fun fun! We have parent teacher conferences on Thursday afternoon. Our first ones! I appreciate the extra "fun money" that off-duty brings. That being said, those days when I am "single parenting" it are EXHAUSTING! Especially coming off of the little procedure I had last week. Nothing can be done about it so I just do it. When people ask "how do you do it with triplets" my answer is always "I just do". Some days I think I do a great job, some days I know I fall WAY short! I just do the best I can. That's all that can be asked of me right? Well that's what I keep telling myself anyway.

Okay so I'm going to tell a story. I probably shouldn't here, but I just can't help it. I call it a "funny story" but thinking about it it's not so funny. My reaction, that was funny. I went up today to change out of my sweat pants and into some shorts. (My typical "mom uniform"). Anyway I open our bedroom door and get smacked in the face by the smell of, well I can only call it what it was...poop! (Yuck I know!) When Jason left for work last night he said his stomach felt "blach". When I talked to him before bedhe said it was better and he was feeling fine. Well I smelled that smell and thought, oh man, his stomach must still be bothering him. He must have been up going to the bathroom. Then I think, no I haven't heard the toilet flush. (I can hear when he flushes). Then I think the most horrendous thought....Oh man, he must have, uh well, er....oh how do I say it? Shit in the bed?????? I am thinking the worst. Then I think about it and rationalize. Yes I know he sleeps SOUNDLY. But soundly enough to do that and then sleep through it??? Not even he sleeps that soundly. So now I'm perplexed. Off to inspect the bathroom, not sure what I was looking for. Egads!!!!! I found it!!!!! A little pile of kitty turds! YUCK!!!!!!!! Now I must clarify that my animals DO NOT use my house at their personal toilet. However, I shut our bedroom door this morning to keep the trio out of there. (They love to go up and wake up daddy -- he doesn't take too kindly to this if he's only been asleep for a short while). Anyway, the cat was sleeping on the bed with him so I just closed the door. I do this every day. When the girls go down for their nap I open the door. Well today his little kitty colon must have been at it's breaking point. I was able to shake the little "gifts" off into the toilet and I promptly deposited the throw rug into the washing machine, hand mopped the floor and sprayed some Lysol. (All the while my husband slept!!!!!) I don't know if I could have slept through the smell. I told him when he woke up that I am confident I could be rotting next to him and he'd never wake up. Oh to sleep like that! Anyway, that's my gross, yet funny story for today. I probably should have kept that one to myself, but what the heck, huh?

Well I should go shower and straighten my hair. Don't want to look like a crazy person when I have to mingle with "real people" in the "real world" tomorrow. I realized this evening that I didn't even brush my hair today! (Yikes!) Now before you think I looked all crazy it wasn't too bad. I had it in a pony tail so it wasn't all wild. I was just too busy to think about it. I dressed and brushed my teeth etc., but that was about it for me. Poor Jason, there must be days he looks at me and wonders to himself "this is IT?".

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Note To My Trio

Dear girls,

Let me clarify a few things that have perhaps have been a bit unclear to you lately.

1. No means, just that, no. It applies to ALL three of you. If I tell Kamryn not to stand on the sofa, it applies to you Morgan, and you Alexis, as well. It's not descriminatory, it is a blanket no, applied to each of the three of you.

2. Nap/bedtime is not a gigantic social hour. It's for getting much needed rest. It is also the time that mommy recollects her sanity. It is not time to swap binkies, blankies, babies, socks, pants and whatever else you think you can switch around. I fully expect to come in sometime soon to see that you have all changed cribs.

3. It should not take you over 2-hours to fall asleep. You will fall asleep quickly and painlessly in only minutes if you don't giggle, swap items (see #2), jump/dive in your cribs, or poop after I have put you down. (It is PERFECTLY okay to wait to poop until AFTER your nap -- I do not have a problem getting three poopy diapers AFTER nap time -- I am used to it by now). Kudos to Morgan tonight it only took her two hours and 15 minutes to finally give up and collapse at 11:00 (yes you read that right). Alexis and Kamryn, I'm sending a big boo and a hiss your way as it took you until 11:20. You may think that I will let you sleep until you wake up in the morning, but I'm not! I am getting you up early so that you will be ready for nap time. That way there's no playing/swapping/jumping/diving and hopefully no pre-nap pooping. That way you will be ready for bed and it will not be 11:00 when you finally do so. (Disclaimer - I am thrilled that you sleep so well, just not so happy that you take so long as of late to do it -- so in a way thanks for the great sleeping, just get to it a bit more quickly).

Kamryn, I realize that you have been spoiled by family members, who shall remain nameless, but it is not okay to shriek and cry everytime you are not perched on someones lap. I have to do laundry/fix meals/tend to your other sisters etc. and cannot always do this with you attached to me. I am sorry for this, but it is just another unfortunate side effect of the "Only Child Syndrome" of which you suffer from.

I hope that clears a few things up. Since you have all decided to finally fall asleep, I will now go shower and try to get some sleep as well.


On a more serious note I am feeling so-so and hope to feel better with each passing day. Jason returned to work tonight, he's probably thrilled to get out of here for some "rest" at work. I didn't tax his nursing abilities too much, so he should be thankful.

I don't want to leave Kori out! She is doing GREAT! Ms. Phillips is sick again (she was out two of the three days Kori was out week before last and apparently has caught something again. (I'd probably need a haz-mat suit if I were a teacher blach germs!) Kori is doing good with the substitute teacher, Mrs. A. She said she is "older" but very nice. Not sure what "older" meant, and I didn't ask because I truly did not want to know. Sometimes the things she comes up with scares me. For instance before school started we were reviewing what she should say her daddy does. I informed her that shooting/beating up/chasing bad guys was not appropriate. So she said that she would say her daddy is a police officer. Fair enough, no problems with that one. So I say "What do you say if they ask them what your mommy does?" My little angel replies "I say you pop popcorn and watch scary movies on the couch during the day". WHAT? I have never popped popcorn during the day and I don't even like scary movies, especially with little ones around. Not sure where she came up with that one. It still makes me laugh. So you can see why I might be afraid to ask how old exactly "older" might be. She did say yesterday "David had on sandlals today." I replied the standard "oh really" or something of the such. She said "Yep, I saw his toe nails". She shivered and made a yucky sound. (She takes after her mommy with the dislike of the feet area in general FYI). She then said "He also ate a rock". Oh joy, oh joy! Bet his stomach was happy about that. His stomach was probably super happy it rained today so recess was spent inside, where there are no rocks (hopefully) to be eaten. Kids!

So that ought to do it! Off to shower!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm Here...

Sorry for my absence. Haven't been on the computer too much. I am doing pretty good since my ablation procedure on Friday. My sweet and loving husband greeted me as I was wheeled up from recovery and relayed from Dr. Schwartz that "Everything went fine. He said you have a really big uterus honey." Aw shucks! How can a woman not appreciate men noticing her large uterus. (Insert image of me rolling my eyes please). What was I supposed to say "Thank you?" I told my husband that no matter how much drying you do to your favorite sweater once it's stretched out, you just can't shrink it up to it's original size no matter how hard you try.

I went for my post-op appointment today. Dr. Schwartz is pretty confident the ablation either won't work at all or will only work for a very short time. I have horrible andimyosis (not sure if I spelled that correctly) and that is what is causing my problems. It's the internal version of endometriosis. He did the hysteroscopy and "checked things out before hand". Then lasered everything away and then "looked at is all again". So we'll see. He did say that he would do it again if necessary since "I have such a big uterus". He said that it is the size of someone who is 8-12 weeks pregnant. No wonder my abs aren't so flat. A hysterectomy is in my future. I'm just trying to put it off until the girls are a bit older. It's quite a recovery and such, so it would be better if they are a little older. We'll see how things go on that end...ha ha ha, no pun intended.

I did have the hot anesthesiologist that I had when I had my c-section with the girls. He was heckling me through the curtain while I was getting undressed when I first got in. He remembered me and was anxious to hear about the girls. He is so hot and very funny too. I also had a yummy post-op nurse. He was wearing a pink scrub in honor of breast cancer/prostate cancer awareness. Gotta enjoy a guy who can wear pink. He was super nice and had a great sense of humor. A good nurse and great doctors make all the difference in the world. I had wonderful luck with both so I am thankful and so grateful.

Thanks to my sister Becky for handling the school drop-off/pick-up for Kori on Friday. Really appreciate you getting up at the "butt crack of dawn" to help out. Thanks for letting her sleep over Friday night too. I'm sure it was the highlight of her weekend. Big thanks to my parents too for their help, as usual. They are probably sick of me and my girls, but they never complain. I am thankful for my friends and family. I wouldn't make it through life without that kind of support.

Jason did a good job keeping things running. The girls were kind to him and slept in until 10am on Saturday and 10:30 on Sunday...lucky dog! He didn't have much extra to do, but I'm sure if you asked him he was run ragged by it all...NOT! He even managed to play in a golf tournament yesterday. My mom came and helped out so that he could hit the links.

Well I think I'll go figure out what to do with my over-sized uterus. A big tote bag? A shopping cart? Fire safe? Hmmmm....

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I went for the pre-op testing today. It consisted of them weighing me, taking my blood pressure and pulse and asking me a bunch of questions. The nurse said they weren't doing my blood work because I have to go to a private lab (not the one at the hospital) and since it was 1:00 they wouldn't have the results back in time for surgery in the morning. She wasn't too pleasant about it, kept pointing out "since it's so late in the day". I politely informed her that they are the one that made my appointment and gave me the time, not me. So it was a wasted trip for me but whatever.

God my grocery shopping done after I got Kori from school. No one will starve for a while, which is good.

Finishing up some laundry, the house is still clean, everythings going to be okay. I will be glad to get this over with. I'm ready for some relief from monthly cycles from HELL! I hope it goes smooth and the recovery is QUICK! I don't have time to be down for too long.

Becky is handling drop-off and pick-up duties for Kori tomorrow. She'll help my parents as they all tend to the trio while I'm gone. S-P-O-I-L-E-D! That's my prediction for tomorrow.

Well I better finish some laudnry and go shower and straighten my hair. I was going to do it last night but I was too tired! Better shave my legs too...don't want to scare anyone. I don't want to have to worry about them talking about my hairy legs while I'm out.

Wish me luck! Send some prayers my way!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


The dirt and grime that is. My trio were super cooperative today so all my work is done!!!! I finished it up while the trio napped and got done just in time to dash out the door to go get Kori. I did manage to "tame" my hair a bit as I don't want to look like a lunatic when I go and get her, even though I don't get out of the car. Not to mention I had to stop and get some milk after I picked her up.

As I cleaned the glass in the front door today I wondered to myself...why don't I ever see any of the neighbors doing anything like this. I don't see anyone else cleaning glass, sweeping their sidewalks, shaking rugs and I never hear anyone else's vacuuming sounds coming from their open windows. Am I the only one who cleans????? Surely not...maybe I'm the only one suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder about it. Sure would nice to see someone shake a rug or something so I know I'm not alone. My arms are sore (this sounds pathetic) from wiping down all of my cabinet fronts with a soapy rag and then using Liquid Gold on them to shine them up. I must sound like a total wimp. I lift babies all day every day but I'm sore from cleaning...oh brother.

After all my hard work my husband says "WHAT was that horrible smell when I got up?" I wanted to say "probably your breath" but I refrained...oh man it was hard though. After further inquiry (it could have been my roast, laundry, a lingering poop smell from the mounds of poopie diapers I was barraged with today) it was determined that he was not keen on the flavor of "smelly good spray" I used at the conclusion of my cleaning. What horrible offending smell was it you ask? Apple Cinnamon. Men! He then told me I should stick only to using the French Vanilla he apparently loves so much. I told him next time he cleans he can use that one, I like the Apple Cinnamon one just as much. Not to mention its the same flavor as what I've had in my "Glade Scented Oil" thingy for two weeks...I hate to become boorish, but men!

Today I found myself teary as I drove to pick up Kori. The song "In My Daughter's Eyes" by Martina McBride came on and it got me good. I just want to be a good and loving mother to my girls. I want to set good examples, instill good morals and values. I want them to value a clean and tidy home, clean/ironed laundry, home cooked meals, a loving relationship with their spouse/family etc. I just want them to do well and have learned some of it by me. I think some days I do okay, and there are others I must look like a bumbling idiot! Motherhood can be so tough some times.

As I folded clothes today I heard the girls laughing. I peeked around to see Morgan and Kamryn sitting facing one another on the floor. They had their feet touching (so adorable!). Kamryn had the little tub that the shape sorting pieces go in and she was putting it up to her face and then snatching it down. Morgan found all of this to be extremely amusing! She was squealing with delight and chanting "more more". So adorable! While this was going on, Jason was sitting on the ottoman watching them too with a big smile on his face. It's so rewarding and wonderful to experience this! We are so lucky!

Tomorrow I have blood work/pre-surgery testing to do...oh joy! I also have to go to the grocery store so we don't starve this weekend. I'm getting easy and tasty things to eat. At least the laundry will be caught up and my house has been cleaned. That makes me relax a little bit more, not much but a little. Ahhhhhh stress, it makes the world go 'round!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lotion Commercial

So today I was enjoying my nice sandwich on a was delish! While indulging in a little lunch I was plopped on the couch in the calm serenity of the family room (the hooligans were napping :-) ) watching General Hospital. It is an addiction of mine I will readily admit. I truly enjoy it all over again like I did in my teens. At any rate, during my lunch and television watching a commercial comes on. Some new Nivea lotion. The ad shows a woman rubbing lotion on her legs while her significant other (I can only assume this to be true) is watching from bed. Next scene they are cuddling and canoodling, smooching whatnot. Hmmm...that lotion works wonders. Gets your skin soft, boosts your libido up a few notches too. I have made a mental note NOT to pick up this lotion next time I'm at Walmart. Just what I need is Jason pouncing all over me while I'm trying to put on my lotion. Totally kidding...I mean I won't buy it, but not because I'm a prude and don't want my hubby to touch me. I don't have enough time to finish all I need to finish in a day...don't need to add that to my list of "to do" things every day if that's the effect it has on you. They sure do have some interesting commercials on during the day. I usually don't notice. Either the TV is off or it's on Disney or Sprout or something like that.

Tonight was "McTeacher" night at McDonald's for Kori's school. Nothing could have sounded less appetizing, but I put the thoughts of greasy food out of my head and went and supported her school. She was excited to see her friends and Ms. Phillips, as usual. You'd think she'd be sick of them since she's with them 7-hours a day 5-days a week. Not the case. It is fun to watch her interact with her friends. So cute!

While eating Kamryn was snuggling up with Jason in the booth. We let her sit in the booth and put Morgan and Alexis in high chairs. We didn't want to hog up all the high chairs. It was cute to watch her snuggling up against his ribs. I giggled even more when she wiped her little grubby face on his shirt...he he he! Wait, what am I laughing at I do the laundry around here! Dang...better remember to "shout out that shirt" before putting it in the washer.

BEAUTIFUL day today! Took the girls for a nice long walk before lunch and naps. Then after McDonald's we took another short one. It was too nice to pass up! I had to get some more exercise in after that grease laden dinner. Blach!

Well I guess I'll go and clean my bedroom and the master bathroom. It's hard to get done with Jason sleeping up there during the day. If I get it done tonight then I can finish everything else up tomorrow. That way Thursday I will just have catch up laundry to do and everything else will be good to go. I can go into surgery Friday relaxed...well relaxed that things are taken care of around here anyway.

Well, off to conquer soap scum and dust bunnies! Fear me, I am advancing with my trusty scrub brush and dust rags! En garde!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

I Love Fall!

I love this kind of weather! It was sunny and beautiful today, but there was still the crispness of fall in the air! I love it!!!!

Kori survived her first day back to school after missing three days last week, plus the weekend. She was happy to get back to learning. She brought home a whole folder full or work that they did today. I chuckled at her drawings of the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria. One of the ships was already drawn and they had to color it, then draw the other two. She did a great job! She is already way more artistic than both Jason and I.

She enjoyed lunch with daddy today! Daddy was a bit nervous but survived it all just fine. Kori got to pick a friend to go and eat with her and Jason in the "quiet room". There were other moms, dad's etc. in there eating with their kids as well. Kori picked her friend Autmn to go with her. I was proud of daddy for going. He made his little girls day! She asked at bedtime if daddy was coming up tomorrow for lunch too. :-)

The trio...oh those girls! So busy! So funny! Today was "Movie Time Monday" on the Disney Channel. They were showing the new Little Einsteins movie. I was in the recliner and all three of the girls of course wanted up there with me. So there we sat watching our movie. The girls, especially Kamryn love the Little Einsteins. When it came time to "pat pat pat" they all were doing it saying "pat pat pat" as they patted their little cute! It was a wonderful feeling to sit there with my littles and enjoy them. Even if after on a few minutes of sitting still they turned me into the human jungle gym. Oh well, there are worse things in this world I am sure!

I got my laundry done, well except for the load that is drying right now. Tomorrow and Wednesday I will tackle the housework. Thursday I have pre-surgery testing to do and then will hit the grocery store that evening. I will revacuum the floors to and just tidy everything up. Argh...hate feeling stressed out. Oh well, it will all be over soon.

Doing okay with the fact that I will never be able to have more babies, I suppose. Even if I wouldn't anyway, just having the ability to is a right I cherish. Even if my lady parts don't always cooperate. I have to look at my girls and just know that I am blessed beyond measure. I cannot be selfish and greedy. I did get a little teary as I drove into the subdivision this afternoon and saw a man and his little boy throwing a football. I know that Jason can (and does) do this with Kori (and eventually the girls) I can't help but wonder what a son of ours would have looked like. His daddy I'm sure, since all the kiddos have so much of their daddy in them. Oh well, I cannot dwell on the things I cannot change. I am happy and blessed with four beautfiul and healthy, happy and wonderful girls! Who wouldn't be happy with that!?!

Until tomorrow my friends...

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Kori is much better today! Hooray!!!! So thankful for that! She informed me she is ready to go back to school tomorrow. Great! Daddy is going to eat lunch with her so she is super excited about that. I think daddy is nervous about it...very sweet. I'm waiting for him to say "gosh, I hope they like me". It really is cute. I will go in a few weeks and eat with her too, I thought he could get first crack at it since I've been at school a few times for PTA things and what not. So at 10:50 tomorrow morning that's where he will be, eating lunch with his eldest daughter. Oh I wish I could sneak there and take pictures. I am so proud of him. While I joke with him (okay, sometimes it's not much of a joke) about he's a so-so husband, he is a great father! His girls loves him. It makes me teary to watch him interact with them. That is what being a parent is about.

My parents were up close to us eating dinner tonight so I nagged her (didn't take too much) into stopping by (they were just here yesterday delivering the girls Halloween costumes that Aunt Judy made for them) because I forgot to give her some dishes that are hers and I'm tired of them taking up space at my house. (Whew that was a lot of info huh?) My girls were so excited to see them. You would have thought they hadn't seem them in a month! My girls love my parents, heck their the only grandparents they know. Anyhow, Morgan goes walking up to my dad (who is like a big ol' teddy bear by the way) and holds her arms up to him. He picks her up and she snuggles up on his chest with her arms around him and just laid there hugging him for the longest time. Then she looked up at him gave her greatest smile and snuggled in for some more hugs. Oh man, I had to look away because my eyes were sweating big time! My dad is a unique man. He is my step-dad, but really the only dad I have ever known, and the only dad I acknowledge. My mom and him were married when I was five and he is the most incredible man on the planet! He "inherited" five kids when he married my mom. My two older and very stubborn brother, and my sisters and I. All this for someone who had never even really been around kids before. He's cleaned up our puke, after we've puked on him and all over everywhere else, held our hands when we were sad or scared, fixed up our "boo boos", rejoiced with us when we've been happy or had accomplishments that warranted it, he's just incredible. He's a man of few words. The strong silent type, but never in my life have I ever doubted the depth of his love for all of us! He is my girls "Pop-A" and they couldn't love him more. When my niece Mallory is around, it's a free for all with all the girls on who can get to him first. It's not uncommon to find him with more than one child draped across him. It's awesome! My parents are incredible people and I surely couldn't have survived this last 15-months without them. It just warms my heart to see my kids love my parents, as much as I do. I'm glad to be able to share my kids with them and I know they cherish those moments too!

Jason is playing poker tonight. No big money, just some male bonding. Probably lots of scratching, burping and, well you get the idea. So after the girlies went to bed, it was just me. Seems to be the case most of the time but usually he's working. Oh well, he's going to be playing nursemaid to me later this week after my surgery so he could probably use a little "guy time".

Tomorrow is Monday. So many things to do before the big day Friday. I managed to not do laundry this weekend so I have lots waiting for me tomorrow. Oh well, thanfully I don't mind doing it.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


I must apologize for my absence. I have had a sick kiddo. Kori came home from school Tuesday feeling okay but as the evening progressed, she started feeling yucky. By 11:00 p.m. she was fevering and feeling like crud. Took her to the doctor on Wednesday...viral strep, no medicine. It just must run it's course. Great, fevering still all day Thursday as well. She was really sweating Thursday night while she was sleeping so I hoped it would break but she still fevered on Friday. We managed to make it to school on Friday just for pictures and to pick up missed work but then headed back home.

Today it was a very low-grade fever and she is feeling better, so that is good. She has been so sick! Man, that has to be the worst thing about motherhood, having sick kids. It just hurts my heart.

On a good note, after many man hours I got the PTA project from hell done. I am so happy to not have it hanging over my shoulders. I have to type up who is eligible for what drawings, but I have it all ready to go and will do it tomorrow. I'm ready to give this large box of stuff back to the lovely ladies who gave it to me.

Not much happening around here this weekend with the sick one. Fine by me, I'm happy if I don't have to go anywhere. Jason worked off-duty from Noon to 9 pm. Long day for me, but a good one.

I found out yesterday that I will be having my endometrial ablation on Friday, October 12th. Oh goody, another surgery. I'm about surgeried out for the year! I pray it goes smoothly and my recovery is quick and easy. (Insert crossed fingers here). I am hoping it will end or decrease these horrible cycles I've had since I had the girls. I can't do them too much longer! This one has been awful! Thankfully it's the last one...hopefully!

So now I am feeling stressed to get everything taken care of this week so I can be down for a few days without a guilty conscious. I just hate the thought of anyone else doing my "mom jobs". Nothing makes me crazier than that!

Well, it's 2am and I am beat! I just finished my PTA project and I think I'll reward myself by getting 5 hours of sleep or so! Sayonara! (Is that how you spell that?)

Monday, October 1, 2007

P.T.A. -- What Was I Thinking...

Oh man, when I said that I could do stuff from home if they had it available I had no idea! I am now responsible for sorting all envelopes that were turned in (money already removed thank goodness) and tracking who got what and who gets what prize. Oh my aching head! There are about 300 right now with more on the way. Oh joy!

Saturday night Jason and I had a date! It was so nice! We went to a get-together with some people from where J and I used to work. It is always nice to see everyone again. It truly was one of the greatest jobs on the planet!

We then went to dinner at The Capital Grille. It was WONDERFUL! Expensive but wonderful! We had lobster/crabcakes for an appetizer that were to die for! So delicious! Jason had lobster and steak and I had a yummy steak! They brought us a complimentary cocktail. It was yummy! They also brought us a complimentary dessert and champagne to go along with it. It was nice to be pampered! I think they were trying to get us drunk so we wouldn't notice how expensive our tab was. Oh well, it's not everyday you celebrate 9-years of marriage, so we deserve it. We got home just after 10 p.m. The trio were sleeping soundly and everyone else was watching a movie. Kori enjoyed playing with the Rizzo kiddos so she was in heaven!

That's about it for me for tonight. I want to work on more PTA crap, uh, I mean paperwork and then I'm off to bed. I was up ridiculously late last night and up early this a.m. so I don't need another repeat of that!