Sunday, February 22, 2009

You HAVE To Be Kidding Me!

So yesterday I was having a very "on" day. I wasn't dragging and feeling tired like I usually am. Kori stayed the night with my sister the night before so it was just the little girls and I until daddy got up.

I made a cake and homemade butter cream frosting. I started cleaning the house. I made ham, twice baked potatoes, baked beans, carrots, green beans and dinner rolls for dinner. Got all the girls bathed and p-jammied up. Got everyone down for the night and was continuing my housework when I heard Kamryn yelling.

I went into their room and she informed me, "I burped in my bed". Uh, that's NOT a burp baby. Needless to say she had thrown up. It was contained to her blanket and her jammies, so that was good. I got her cleaned up and got her bed changed. Prayed it was a fluke and maybe she had just got choked or something. Got her back in bed and she promptly fell asleep. About 30-minutes later, more burping in the bed.

So I stopped my cleaning. I got her cleaned up and sat her in the bathroom with me while I jumped in the shower quick. We got settled into our bed where the vomiting resumed. It happened about once and hour until 4am. Then it turned into the "big D". Oh those diapers were sooooooooooo gross! It was not fun! Jason was working so I was solo on puke duty. I prayed hard, several times, that everyone else in the house be spared from the evil germs.

At 4am she settled in and slept until about 6am where she promptly blessed me with two more yucky diapers. Got her changed and back to bed when daddy got home. He snuggled in with us him and her were asleep quickly. I finally fell asleep about 8am...only to be awakened about 9:30 by Kori and Morgan who were awake.

She seemed to be better today. She is drinking good and eating only a bit, but that's okay. She plays for a while and then chills on the couch for a bit. The yucky diapers continue, but not puking since 4am.

I am hoping the rest of us are spared. It's been a rough couple of months for us. It started at the end of January with RSV that turned into severe Bronchiolitis. It was followed by a sinus infection for Jason. A sinus/upper respiratory infection for me. Kori had viral strep throat. Then all the girls got pink eye. Now this. I am really quite over it.

Perhaps God thought I was a bit cocky yesterday with all my productiveness and just wanted to bring me back down to earth. I was dragging today let me tell you. I managed a half hour nap today while the girls napped before I started dinner.

The funny thing (using the term funny very loosely) about all of this is that two years ago to the exact day, everyone in the house except me, had the stomach flu for about 36-hours. It was awful and a period I will NEVER forget if I live to be 100! Hope we don't have a rerun of that!

Now Monday is here and the rat race starts all over again. **Sigh**

So tomorrow I'll finish my last part of the house and revacuum all the floors. Jason is starting days off and I will enjoy some extra hands here in the evening.


Liz said...

Oh wow just when the potty training thing was starting to work! When I start feeling like Mary is hard I try to remember it could be Mary x 3 and then I think about how remarkable you must be!