Friday, February 6, 2009

I Caved

I felt so awful yesterday I caved and went to the doctor. So I have a sinus infection, an upper respiratory infection and possibly strep throat. My throat was very red but not pussy. He didn't culture it because he was giving me antibiotics anyway. My ears "didn't look too bad, but I can see why they are bothering you". Whatever that means.

So I feel like doggy doo today. My throat is REALLY sore and I just feel bad overall. I am counting down the hours until the girls nap time. By girls nap time, I mean our nap time.

On a good note, the weather is warmer and the sun is shining. Just wish I felt better.


Liz said...

Oh man same old story no sick day for mom a few hours while they nap IF we are lucky why is it when DH is sick they can just go to bed and watch TV?