Tuesday, February 3, 2009


It's been two weeks for the little girls, and almost two weeks for me and we're still snotting, coughing, sneezing and a few other words that end in i-n-g I'm sure. I am really over it. I was feeling better and then last night, not so much. I am wiping Alexis and Kamryn's noses non-stop now. Kori is coughing and snotting. Jason woke up today and announced, "I'm congested". My response? Welcome to the club! I was probably a bit grouchy about it, but it's ran it's course as far as I am concerned.

On to better things. Jason was SUPER thrilled his team, the Steelers, won the Super Bowl. We had some people over, mostly people that work for Jason, and a few he worked with in the past, and their spouses, kids etc. I made a big pot of chili and people brough appetizers/desserts. It was a nice time and a good game so things went well. Afterwards I cleaned everything up and wiped the bathrooms down again. Party? What party? Everything back in order, just how I like it. It's the OCD in me.

Today the girls had their developmental screening through Parents As Teachers. I am always fascinated to watch them interact with our parent educator Pam. Very cute! Developmentally they are on schedule and in some areas ahead of schedule. Glad to hear that! I think they do okay, but it's nice to have someone else's opinion.

So that's about it from Germville. Spring? Spring? Where are you Spring? I could use a nice visit from you now. It's too early I know, but a girl can dream!