Saturday, March 1, 2008


I am feeling frumpy and dumpy so since it was nice today, I thought that I'd go for a walk after Jason got home from off-duty and after the girls were in bed. About 10:30 or so I headed out. I had Jason's MP3 player, my cell phone and Jason's large pocket knife.

It was creepy as it was very dark out. (I know it was late, but I didn't expect it to be THAT dark). The first journey was pretty uneventful. The 2nd journey, a little more "exciting". A car passed me and gave me a 2nd look. Couple young men in it. Hmmmm...getting a little more nervous than I already am. I go a different way and notice them circling back. I hide behind a truck. Go down a different block, oh crap, there they are again. Hide behind a van. Make it to my street and spring the last three blocks home (no easy task in my condition). Just get to my garage door as I see them at the next block down. Whew!

I profess to my husband that would be my last late night stroll. Too scary! Duh, I should have taken my dog.

We have the new Police Academy just a few blocks from us with work out facilities that we can use, but you have to have your relative, Jason in my case, with you at the time which doesn't work out for me as we have the girls that someone needs to be here with.

So I will either ask to borrow my parents treadmill that is gathering dust, try and walk during the day when the girls nap and Jason is home/asleep, or just stay fat. Too scary to do it at night, even though my neighborhood is safe. But I'm not naive. It was too creepy for me. A good idea at the time but in hindsight...NOT!