Saturday, March 29, 2008


That was me today. They are calling for rain tomorrow and Monday, possibly some storms even. I had a few things I needed to pick up so I informed Kori we were going to Target. She was slightly confused and asked what we were going to do with the girls? Duh silly, I told her, we're taking them with us. To which I got, "We're going to Target, alone?" Uh, yep unless you have a little helper hiding out in your room somewhere that is the plan. So after breakfast we put shoes on and jackets and off we went.

I always park by the cart corral things so I can grab a cart or two. I grabbed one today and got a 2nd once we got in. I have pretty much mastered pushing one cart with one hand and pulling the other behind me with the other. Kori volunteered to push Kamryn and Alexis in one cart and I took Morgan and our ginormous diaper bag in the other. Well after being run over three times by Kori's inattention while driving, looking behind to see her stopped (she forgot she was pushing) and then turning to see her doing donuts in the middle of the aisles, her driving privileges were promptly revoked.

Anyway we got all done. We had the usual pointing, staring, whispering and other dumb comments. I even heard the standard "Oh man, glad that's her and not me". Me too lady, me too. I'd hate to think my children would be cursed with a mother like you. No one cried, got lost, through a fit, pooped, puked, bled, or anything of that nature. I deemed it a success! It's only the 3rd or maybe 4th time I've done something alone, but hey, I try.

We visited my parents now that my dad is finally home. He is happy to be there and mom is happy to have him there. He is getting physical therapy and a visiting nurse at the house too. They were probably on "grandchildren overload" as Mallory and Becky had been there earlier in the afternoon before us. Oh well, we didn't stay long.

I got all my housework done in the wee hours of the morning last night. I finished just before 2am. It was a mission that I was going to finish. I was not going to bed until it was all done. I sorted laundry as well so it was ready for me today. Only 2 loads left. I think I'll finish them tomorrow.

I had been rather lazy feeling lately. My house was in need of some TLC and it has now been return to it's clean glory. My heart is happy, my house is neat and tidy...for now.