Sunday, March 9, 2008

Battle of the germies...

If your keeping track:

3 sick kids (since Wednesday)
2 trips to Urgent Care
4 prescriptions
1 bottle of cough/congestion medicine
1 bottle of Ibuprofen

All of this adds up to one tired and stressed out mommy.

Kori had a virus with fever, sore throat, cough and congestion.

Kamryn had a double bi-lateral ear infection complete with puss in her ears. That was urgent care trip #1.

Alexis developed purple hued hands and feed during her bath tonight and just became totally listless. Off to urgent care for trip #2. She has a viral infection and had a high fever (103.6) even though she was cool to the touch. After a dose of ibuprofen, an oral steroid, a 2 medicines in a breathing treatment we were released.

I will alaborate more, but for now, I must pack Kori's lunch and go to bed.

Here's praying for a boring remainder of the week.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Rusley Hospital, my name is Melissa and I'll be your nurse. Push your call light if you need anything...
