Sunday, January 13, 2008

Going Through The Big D!

Nope not divorce. The other D that usually goes along with a stomach virus. I'll put it like that to make it not so gross. Kori has been sick since Wednesday night. She missed school Thursday and Friday due to it. There was no way I was sending her to school, even though she didn't feel poorly. I wasn't going to let her go and be "that kid" that has an accident at school because her parents weren't smart enough to keep her home. She totally needed to be close to the bathroom. It finally stopped Friday night and things are much better. Alexis had some yesterday but no more today. I hope that's the last of it. Sayonara GI bug!

Jason and I started a puzzle last night. He worked on it with me for about an hour before heading to bed. I stayed up until almost 3am and had about 350 or so of the 500 pieces put together. I finished it today during the girls' naptime. Kori helped me and I let her put in the last 4-5 pieces. I need to start another one. I love doing them. They are great to keep my mind busy when I have a lot of things going on. I had some stuff in my head last night and I knew I wouldn't be able to go to sleep so I just worked on the puzzle until I felt sleepy and ready for bed.

My brother had his knee surgery and has been released from the hospital. I went up to see him yesterday before he was released. Kori and I took him some bone sugar cookies as well as the picture Kori drew for him. It was of my brother laying in bed with his leg propped up. She had a bag (think IV type bag) hanging beside his bed. I asked her if that was his medicine and she said "Nope that's where his pee goes. You know like when you had the girls." Oh the things they remember.

Well that's it for me. I think I'll hit the showers. Bring on Monday...time to face another week.