Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I Have Not...

Fallen off the face of the earth, in case you were wondering. I will admit however that I am having a hard time hopping back into the routine of things post-vacation. I think Jason and I have a bit of post-vacation depression, or PVD as we like to call it. Nothing to look forward to anymore. No more beaches. Palm trees. Okay enough, I don't need to depress myself anymore.

I am suffering miserably the last couple of days with allergy/sinus stuff. Good times. Factored in that my hubby is being not so dear, and my PVD, good times, good times indeed.

I had a wonderful conversation with my oldest daughter this evening. She can be a riot and she truly doesn't even mean to.

Our life insurance agents had to stop by today so I could sign some paperwork as Jason and I just upped our coverage on our life insurance policies.

Kori: Mom, what were they doing here?
Me: Just doing some life insurance stuff.

Kori: What's life insurance?
Me: Something that you get so that when you pass away things are taken care of.

Kori: Like what kind of things?
Me: Well like if I passed away daddy would get money and you guys could pay the bills and everything and keep living here and there wouldn't be anymore drastic changes due to me dying.

Kori: Oh.
Me: Oh and the money is also used for my funeral so you guys could bury me.

Kori: Can't we just use a cardboard box?

Kori: Well we'd get a nice big one.
Me: Gee thanks. Can't I even have a nice casket?

Kori: Well we'd decorate the card board box with stickers and stuff.
Me: Awww, that's sweet honey.

Kori: But I wouldn't cut you out a window because that would let the spiders and worms and bugs and stuff in with you.
Me: Thanks, you know I'm not a fan of the bugs and such.

Kori: Just looking out for you mom. Did you see Brooke's (our life insurance lady) shoes?
Me: Yes, they were cute weren't they? (They were zebra/leopard skin high heeled contraptions -- they were cute for people that need to walk after wearing them I suppose).

Kori: Oh man they were spankin'! I couldn't stop staring at them the whole time.
Me: Spankin'?

Kori: Yeah you know cool, awesome, neat. Get with the program mom.
Me: Uh yeah, sure okay.

This kid cracks me up sometimes!!!!

So that's it for me. I need to sort through the 300+ pictures I took on vacation and post some. They are too adorable!


Liz said...

I do know the PVD especially hard after Disney. I can also relate with the DH being nore of a D than Dear!