Sunday, July 26, 2009

For Sale

I'm kidding. (Sort of) No really I am. (In a way). She is super cute though right???

Today the girls and I were getting ready to go and watch Jason play in his weekly softball games. We hadn't made it to a game yet this year, and the weather was nice, so why not. As I was putting on a bit of make-up, (no need to embarass the family with how scary I was looking) Kamryn picked up a small electric razor that I have. It's a small one, I believe the term is "personal trimmer". It has several different tools for trimming your eyebrows/nosehair, bikini, underarms, legs etc. Well it was plugged in and charging on my bathroom counter and she picked it up and in her sweet little voice (it sounded like nails on a chalk board once I heard what she said), she said, "Mommy is this for your lip?" (Insert me first being speechless (a rarity) and then me sobbing!) Kidding I didn't really sob, but I sure thought of it. I'm hoping she is thinking of daddy's razor that he uses to shave his face and such for work.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't checking my top lip constantly in the mirror for the rest of the day, whenever the opprotunity arose however.

Now I need to find a good picture of Morgan so I can put her up for sale too. She has informed me on more than one occasion, "Whoa mommy you have a giant butt". I always inform her that I was much thinner and more trim before I got pregnant and gave birth to all 4 of them.

Darn kids!


Liz said...

You think of all the suffering to have them then to hear that - although the giant butt comment would hurt me more...

Anonymous said...

You know I would take her!!!