Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why Must I?

Repeat the same things over and over and over and over and over and over (you get the idea I'm sure) a million and one times a day?

My children are stressing me out. Today was definitely one of "those" days. I am beginning to question where I am going wrong? Why don't they listen when I tell them 50 times a day to NOT JUMP ON THE FURNITURE?!? Or not mess with the poor cat who is minding his business and sleeping? Or to actually SIT when they are eating a meal? Why must every meal be a 3-ring circus? Where am I going wrong???? Any ideas? Any one? Any one? I'm open to anything and everything. I have tried being diplomatic and explaining why we don't (insert wrongdoing here). That didn't work. I've tried fussing and grumping. Didn't work. I've tried a light swat. It was a no-go. We've tried time out. If it were one kid I could handle it, with 3 I can't sit and make sure the offender stays put. I have other things to do with the remaining kids who didn't do something they weren't supposed to. I've sent them to their room. Then they jump on the beds.

Tonight Kori was finishing up dinner when Kamryn walked up behind her, reached through the spindles of the chair, and yanked a big section of her hair. Why you ask? For NO REASON AT ALL! **SIGH** Morgan walked by and knocked the remote for the television off the railing in the kitchen so that it fell behind the sofa. **SIGH**

I just don't get it. They are soooooooo stubborn. They feed off one another and the naughtiness. I just wish I knew where I was going wrong and how to fix it.

Today I did not like being a parent. Alexis was the best of the 3 little ones with only one screaming fit this morning. Kori was thankfully well behaved (she probably saw how tired and frazzled I was and thought it best NOT to push my buttons).

I feel like I am failing and I don't know how to right it. Don't get me wrong, they're not always like this. But the last few days they've been especially stubborn. I am sure part of it is cabin fever. Another part is I am sick, and we all know mom's don't get any sick days. So my patience probably isn't 100%, but part of me is just feeling frustrated.

I'm sure other triplet moms with older kids are giggling about now. Reminiscing about "these days".

I will survive, I will survive, I will survive.

Get ready kids, tomorrow's a new day...and I'M STILL THE BOSS!!!!!


Liz said...

I am right there with you and I only have one! Mine either hits me back when I resort to that "light swat" or tells me "no hitting Mommy" I certainly don't have the answers but I feel your pain!