Sunday, January 18, 2009

Not So Priceless

Unlike the Master Card commercials, my Saturday was not priceless. It went something like this:

Two kids to the pediatrician: $20.00
Two kids to the children's hospital for chest x-rays: $15.00 (lunch on the way home)
Bottle of Motrin for fever reducing: $5.00
Two prescriptions for nebulizer machine: $90.00

Having kids diagnosed with RSV and severe bronciolitis: AWFUL!

Kori also informed me that she is getting a cold. She has a stuffy nose, light cough and some sneezing. Great! Awesome! Super! Just what I need!

What I do need:

A vacation -- alone -- without germs.
A husband who isn't on nights and sleeping during the day.
Warmer weather.
Insomnia to HIT THE ROAD!
Longer days -- these 24 hour ones aren't all they are cracked up to be.
A few extra arms/hands.
A bigger lap -- mine isn't big enough currently with all the sick, clingy, cuddling of sick kids I need to do.

It's been a rough few days. I am hoping it gets better soon. Do you ever feel like your alone, even though your not? I know I'm not, but in a sense, it's all me. It's like running up an icy hill in flip flops, you never seem to make any headway. Oh well, this too shall pass and will soon (I hope so) be a distant memory.

So for now, it's breathing treatments every four hours. AWESOME! I have absolutely nothing else I could be doing!


Liz said...

That truly stinks I hope they get better soon!