Thursday, October 16, 2008


Did the stars align perfectly last night or what???? The little girls awoke happy and ready to go this morning. Jason had off-duty so they had to tag along on the ride to take Kori to school.

After breakfast I started doing some housework. I've done a great job keeping things picked up and de-cluttered this week so it was pretty easy work. I thought I'd do a little here and there and then try and tackle more at nap time. I was able to get the main floor done before nap time, as well as do 3 loads of laundry.

The girls played together so nice, well except for Alexis hitting Kamryn in the face with a Barbie that resulted in a small scratch and some hurt feelings. That was quickly behind us and the free love and fun playing continued.

After lunch I put the girls down. After 3 minutes it was VERY quiet in there. Literally 3 minutes so I thought I should investigate. What did I find you ask??? THREE SLEEPING CHILDREN!!!! Huh? Seriously? NO WAY!! I called my loved ones and informed them I was running away from home because surely the apocolypse was coming and things after nap time would NOT be good. I thought I should get while the getting was good. I was kidding of course but an easy nap is a rarity. Heck some days a nap is a rarity. They slept until Jason woke them 3:40!!! WHAT? We haven't slept that long in ages. I am hoping they aren't coming down with something that would stink!

So anyway the rest of the evening went well. We even added one to the brood as I kept my niece Mallory for a bit for my sister. No major melt downs etc., easy bed time. Hmmmmm, I'm suspicious.

So it was a GREAT day! I needed one of those, that is for sure. My house is spotless. My laundry is 3/4 done and I can enjoy the rest of my weekend. Life is good!