Friday, October 10, 2008

Butt Kicking!

Mine,by my kids yesterday. Man they were ROUGH on me! It was definitely one of "those" days. My friend Liz called and I can't imagine what she must have thought as Kamryn kept screaming "come back downstairs" over and over and over and get the idea. She was put in her crib twice until she could calm down but it wasn't overly effective.

Not to mention I was TRYING to finish my housework. That wasn't going well either. On a good note, the girls took a nice nap with little or no protest.

After naps we had to go and get Kori from school. In the car they fought over listening to the Nursery Rhyme CD or the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus CD. Two were for one choice and one for the other. It was EXHAUSTING! They finally compromised and listened to a little of both. There were a couple minutes of peace and quiet then.

After getting home (I was seriously watching the clock, ready for daddy to get home from off-duty!) since I was cleaning the kitchen and can supervise the kiddos while they play on the deck, I sent them out there. Not 2 seconds after releasing the animals, they were fighting and pushing and pulling. Our poor neighbor guy was out on the patio drinking a cold one with a buddy, key word there being WAS. They stuck it out for a bit but then retreated to the calm and serenity of our neighbors childless home. I seriously couldn't blame them. Thankfully B is a nice neighbor and really likes the girls. He's just young and childless.

Everyone was extremely loud yesterday. Kori said everything LOUD as did the girls. There was singing, screaming, laughing, fighting, shrieking, you name it, it was all loud. By dinner I was about to curl up under the table in the fetal position, all while sucking my thumb. My husband told me "Wow, one of those days huh? I haven't even been home and hour and I already have a headache?" Amen brother, amen!!!!!

At any rate, the evening finally came to a close and I was so happy to see bedtime approaching.

My work was finally finished, the house looks and smells great and today is a new day!!!

Kori gets out of school early today and I think we're going to head out for a little winter clothes/coat shopping. Hopefully everyone will be on their best behavior, otherwise the fetal postion with thumb sucking won't be such a bad idea today either!!!!


Anonymous said...

Fetal position and thumb sucking--you are too funny.

Hope today was better!! :)

Liz said...

My mom locked us out so we were stuck in the backyard I kind of understand that now?