Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Dog

I failed to mention yesterday that just as the party was getting started there was a visitor at the door. Kori promptly stated "an old man is here for my party and he brought me some balloons". Well it was a delivery man (I corrected Kori not to call people old men/women whatever!) and he was indeed bringing her some balloons and a stuffed animal courtesy of Gramma Cheryl and Grampa Phil from Iowa. Well my sister answered the door and was handling it when my dog, Cujo, barged out. His name is really Cuervo, but you'll understand in another word or two. Well C barged out and nipped the guy on his side. He yelled at the dog and the dog was rounded back up inside and stuffed in the garage. The guy said he was okay and would check when he returned to the store. If there were any wounds/pain/problems etc. he would get a hold of us. GREAT!

Well today I tried calling to check on him. I got a phone service who takes the orders and routes them to the necessary store. Apparently there's no way to call that store direct. She took my name and number and was going to give them a message to call me. Never heard from them. So I'm assuming that either he's fine and there are no problems. Or he's mounting his lawsuit and will sue me for Cujo's attack. He's only like that with strangers that come to our door. It's gotten worse over the last several years. The older he gets, the more territorial. Just what I needed!