Friday, October 26, 2007


Oh man what a week!!!! It's been busy, busy, busy, as you can tell by my lack of posting on here. Jason had off-duty Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, today and tomorrow as well. Mind you today and tomorrow he works off-duty before work and then heads off to work. Makes for busy days for me, that is for sure.

We had Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday. Kori is doing great! Ms. Phillips said she is a pleasure to have in class and "always wants to do the right thing". That made me so proud! She is performing at an above average level, which is good too! It was surreal for Jason and I to be going to conferences...we still feel so young and un-important. I took Kori to school on Thursday then went in for their book fair. Then it was a half day so I had to go back at 12:30 to pick her up. Then back up for conferences at 2:40, it was crazy! In between the book fair and her early release I ran to Walmart while Jason had the trio. We were getting low on the necessities so I thought I'd better go while I had the chance.

Today was another early release day. I took Kori for her flu shot at 2:45. Only a few tears. She really works herself up and then realizes it doesn't even really hurt. Maybe she'll remember that next year.

My parents came yesterday and today to keep the trio so I didn't have to drag them out. I appreciated it and I'm sure the trio did as well.

Kamryn has an appointment with the Physical Therapy department on November 9th. She still isn't walking and seems to have issues with her right foot. It turns strange and such so we'll see what they say. She is a mega tippy toe walker as well, no matter what we do. I've been concerned about this for so long but the doctor always had a "she has good muscle tone in her legs lets give her more time" type of approach, but I'm ready to see if something else is going on with her. I certainly hope it's something simple.

Kori went home with my parents this afternoon. She was ready to spend some time with Nanie and Pop-A. She loves the one-on-one attention. I have a flu shot tomorrow morning...yippee! Oh well, they don't bother me in the least. I had to cancel Jason's since he doesn't get off work until 7, his appointment wasn't until 8:45, but he wouldn't have gotten home until probably close to 9:30 and since he has to get up at 3:00 for off-duty I just figured we could do it another day.

Well the girls are all doing so much fun stuff lately. Alexis is becoming quite the "dancer"! She does some backwards walking jig thing. It's a total riot! She cracks herself up! Morgan is trying to say Mickey Mouse...the Mickey is a bit unclear but Mouse sounds pretty good. She joined Kamryn today in the ability to say "Spongebob" too, only for her it is "Bob-Bob". It's very sweet! She also says "EWWWWWWW" very emphatically when something is stinky or yucky to her. Kamryn loves to smell her own feet and then say "yuck" or "caca". It is a kill! Instead of inhaling though she blows on her foot. It's too cute!

Well I should shower and enjoy some of the quiet alone time, it's a rare thing!

Congrats to my friend Liz and her hubby Steve on their new home purchase! Hope the moving was smooth and your getting settled in! Can't wait to see it!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Missy -
We have all our things at one address now. It's been hard work but very fun seeing it all come together. I'm anxious for you to visit. xoxox Lizard