Friday, October 19, 2007


Well it's 2:05. I've managed to get everyone up and dressed, feed the crew, drop Kori off at school. Come back by the house load up the choo-choo wagon for the trio and off we went for flu shots. Kamryn remembered the nurse from shots last month and started to cry as soon as she saw her. The tears dried up after only a couple of minutes though. Well, except for Morgan who never cries. That girl has a super high pain tolerance. We came home and had playtime then lunch then all down for naps. Then it was on to laundry...still wondering how it ALL ends up here??? I made chicken salad for Jason and tuna salad for myself for lunch tomorrow. I also packed my hubby a lunch. Man am I a nice wife! Hope he appreciates me. (Wink!). Cleaned up that mess. Cleaned out the refrigerator. Ugh, more dishes then! On to dinner! I am now the proud owner of a big boiling pot of homemade vegetable soup! Yummy!!! Full of carrots, potatoes, Lima beans, soup shell pastas, green beans with a yummy tomato base! Oooooh I can't wait! Double yummy! Jason isn't a fan so it's a perfect meal for tonight since he'll be working off-duty before work. Got all that mess cleaned up and here I am. I am waiting for another load to be done drying. The girls will be up soon and then the madness resumes. Get everyone changed. Load up some drinks and snacks, get everyone loaded in the car to pick-up Kori from school. It's bath night too! It's a long day today. I should sleep well tonight.

I'm feeling a little blah today too. Not sure why. Just blah. Not crabby or sickly. Not really sad or depressed, just blah. Can't describe it any other way. The busy-ness of life can be just that, busy!

Well I better go fold the next load of clothes and drop more in. It's a vicious circle. Still wanting to get "Naked Week" going so we can go laundry free for a few days. Anyone else on board?