Thursday, May 14, 2009

Flying By Yet Standing Still

Time that is. How can it be that it feels like my world stopped spinning last Wednesday, but yet it has now been over a week since losing my dad? Unreal.

I had an okay Mother's Day. We went to dinner on Saturday to beat the crowds. We got my mom out of the house and took her with me. My awesome hubby also bought me a new Canon Rebel digital SLR camera. It's a combo birthday/Mother's Day gift. I really love it! I am having fun taking lots of pics with it!

I started my housework on Sunday. I figured why not. Jason was home and could help mind the herd so I got some done. My house was neglected in the housework department so I got lots of stuff done. I finished it all up on Monday. Wish it would just stay clean. Oh a girl can dream.

Jason's dad and step-mom came down on Tuesday afternoon. They came to check in on me and do a little pampering, which I appreciate. We had take out for dinner which is always good. My step-MIL made a nice lunch on Wednesday and invited my mom and sister up too. It was very nice and so appreciated by us all. It was nice having extra people here to keep my mind from wandering. Jason had returned to work on Monday night so it was just me and my thoughts. Night time seems to be the worst. The kids are in bed and the house is quiet a dangerous combination.

Today I took my mom to the Social Security office to take care of that paperwork. Then we went on to the retirement office and got pension paperwork taken care of. Then we got a call from the funeral home director (an angel here on earth) saying that my dad was ready to be picked up. Great! He was going home, where he belonged. So many things done that allowed my mom to have a little more peace in her crazy sad live these days. My sister kept the little girls so that they didn't have to trollop along with us.

This afternoon we headed to the park to watch my nephew play in his final two games of the Jr. Varsity baseball season. They won both games, the girls enjoyed the fresh air, it was a good time.

So that's about it here. We are managing. I still feel so very sad, but am trying to put one foot in front of the other, as my dad would have wanted. I just miss him so very much.


Anonymous said...

Okay, now it's back. Maybe I'm koo koo. :-) Lizard