Saturday, July 25, 2009

I've Said It Before...

And I'll say it again. Trying to clean house with four kids underfoot is as much fun as shaving your legs, while riding a roller coaster. Whew! It takes forever! Thankfully Jason got up around 3:15 or so and help to manage the crew. They put on a lovely concert in the living room using Kori's new Hannah Montana cd for inspiration.

While cleaning my husband asked, "Hey didn't you JUST clean the house?" I replied "Yes, last Friday". Kori then quickly pointed out that houses get dirty fast. You bet they do, when the occupants try and do their best impression of barn animals. Why am I the only one who can put dishes in the dishwasher? Put them away when they are clean? Wipe off the kitchen table? Pick up toys/food/cups/clothes etc. etc. etc. off the floor? Oh well, once again it's spotless. It should last about 2.7 seconds in the morning before the beasts, uh, I mean the kids start to destroy it.

I washed my van on Thursday. It's spotless inside and out. It will stay that way until the next trip somewhere. I've never seen kids who can make such a mess in such a short amount of time.

So my house is clean and my van is clean. Tomorrow I will celebrate a beautiful Saturday by catching up my laundry. I might further celebrate tomorrow evening by doing my ironing. I know, I know, I really should live a life that has a lower volume of excitement in it, but hey, I'm a risk taker,it's what I love.