Tuesday, June 23, 2009


That is how many hours we spent yesterday at Magic Kingdom. My girls did GREAT! It was 98 degrees, with a heat index of about 108. Oh man it was hot. I was sweaty from the time we got there until I crawled (almost literally) into the car. Alexis actually crashed in her stroller for about an hour and a half. I had two battery operated fans clipped to her stroller canopy and she slept really good. We were parked in the shade. I stayed with her while everyone else did some stuff. Kamryn dozed on my shoulder for a bit while we were waiting in line for Goofy's Barnstormer. They enjoyed their first roller coaster ride. They all asked to do it again.

In Mickey's Philharmagic Show I got a little teary when I looked to my left and my family and saw them enjoying the 3-D show so much. The little girls were grabbing at the things on the screen. Kori was singing along with the songs. I saw Cody even singing along to "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" from the Lion King. That brought back lots of memories as that was one of his favorite movies when he was much smaller. It just made me so grateful for the family I have left. It made me miss my sister, who loved all things Disney, especially Winnie The Pooh, and my Dad, who loved seeing his grand kids enjoying life.

The tears returned when the girls got to meet Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Belle. As soon as they saw Aurora they all stopped dead in their tracks. Their mouths were hanging open. They were in complete awe! Even Kori was enjoying the moment so much! The princesses were all so wonderful with the girls. Interacting with each of them and giving out lots of hugs. The girls were telling them how pretty they thought each princess was. It was too cute! It was, at the risk of sounding cliche, so magical! Jason stood with a big ol' smile on his face watching the girls all interact with a few of their favorite people. Even Cody said that moment was one of his favorites of the whole day. Just seeing the girls all enjoying the moment so much. I was so grateful for a husband who works so hard to allow us to do such great things as a family. For God for blessing me with such beautiful and healthy children. At that moment, even if it was hotter outside than possibly the surface of the Sun itself, all was right with the world.

The Spectro Magic parade was another high point. I had Kamryn and Alexis with me while the rest of the crew rode Splash Mountain. They got a kiss blown to them from the Genie from Aladdin. They returned and he caught it and acted like he was falling over. Ariel blew them kisses too. Peter Pan came over to shake their hands. Lots of waving and such from others too. Even Sleepy from Snow White came over and pointed to himself as he yawned. The girls thought that was funny. It was a gorgeous parade as usual. Kamryn and Alexis sat in their stroller with their ice cream shaped rice crispie treats waving and smiling. Once again...magical!

So we all piled in the van and headed for home. We got home at around 1am. After baths to wash the sweat and sunscreen off, the girls had a bit to eat and then went to bed. It was the easiest bedtime in the history of bedtimes. Even Morgan didn't make a peep. Maybe I should take them to Magic Kingdom every day for 14-hours. Jason and I joked that a day like that could possibly be considered as child abuse.

Today we slept in. I woke everyone up at 12:45!!! Yes you read that right. Alexis and I were the only two up for a while this morning. We finally started waking the others up. If we hadn't, no telling when they would have gotten up. We had a low key day today. I made bacon and scrambled eggs and toast today for brunch. Then we hit the pool at our house. It rained on us a bit but the pool is screened in so it was okay. We only got misted on. We had fun clowning around and acting like a bunch of loons.

I was doing a bit of laundry before we were going to head out for dinner. Kamryn came to me in the hall and told me her throat hurt. Weird I thought. Well then she told me that she swallowed a coin!!!! WHAT????? So I called our pediatricians office and had the nurse return my call since it was after hours there. She said to give her a piece of bread and some water to make sure things were moving along like they should. She said if there were no complaints of throat pain, stomach pain, fever, etc. everything would be fine. She was actually chuckling as her 3-year old had just done the same things. She said I could "look for it later, if you want, but it's not necessary". No thank you, raising three year old triplets is about as adventurous as I like to be. You'd think at three we'd be passed this kind of stuff, apparently the girls didn't get that memo. So we had a nice talk about not eating coins. So we finished getting cleaned up after that and headed out to the Crab House for dinner. Jason was in heaven with the All You Can Heat Hot/Cold Seafood Buffet. He ate a lot, especially the crab legs, he loves them. The food was delicious, dessert was even better and we all left full and happy.

So now everyone is snoring away and we are gearing up for Hollywood Studios. It's supposed to be about 5 degrees cooler than yesterday, but the humidity is going to be a bit less, so hopefully we won't sweat ourselves to death.

At any rate, vacation is going good and we are having fun, that's what matters right?