Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer Break!

Woo hoo! Today was the last day of school! It was an early release day even, so Kori got out at 12:30 (they actually came out at 12:20 but don't tell anyone). We were home at 12:30 and Kori was in trouble and in her room by 12:35. Apparently she was irritated with Alexis (already????) and decided to put a mark on her face with a crayon. **Sigh** It might be a long summer. Other than that, the day was pretty uneventful. I had a headache all day, couldn't get the stupid thing to go away.

So now summer break is upon us. We have befriended several neighborhood kids and it seems our house is the "place to be" so there's always someone coming and going. I did frown at a couple of them that decided 8am was a good time to ring our door bell the other morning. I had Kori inform them that her father works nights and sleeps during the day and he would NOT be happy to be awakened all summer with the door bell ringing. Silly kids.

Not much going on here as of late. The past week was busy with stuff. Jason working, off-duty, school things. I worked at Kori's school on Thursday to help with Field Day. It was sunny and warm, unlike last year when it was in the 50's and raining, so they got to do all kinds of fun outdoor water stuff. Good times! Kori was soaked, but had a blast. Thank goodness I sent an extra change of clothes and a beach towel. I had a pretty cush job. I was in the cafeteria with a few other ladies passing out pink lemonade and popcorn for the snack/break period. Inside in the air conditioning, easy peasy!

My girls are outdoor junkies. All four of them. They would be outside 24/7 if they could. They have been grubby little pigs every night. My bath tub had sand bits in it on more than one occasion. Jason and I can't figure out why everytime they are in the sand box they are dumping sand on one anothers heads???? Silly kids.

So pray for my sanity. I am hoping we get into a good rhythm and I don't spend the whole summer fussing and grumbling.

I had to laugh the other day. Kori asked me several things and unfortunately it was one of those times where the answer always seemed to be no. Finally she said, "Ughhh, that's all you say is no, no no" as she stomped off down the hall. It made me giggle just a bit.

Tonight we went for ice cream with my sister and my niece Mallory. The girls were being silly and noisy in the back seat. My sister kept fussing at them and after a few times, Kori proclaimed, "Man, you always stop us from having fun". It's a tough job being a mommy somedays.