Tuesday, March 24, 2009


If Sunny D and vodka would taste good together. A lightweight version of a screwdriver maybe? I don't have any OJ and it was one of THOSE days today.

I should have known it was not going to go well when Kamryn through a major size fit this morning over...her milk being in a purple cup NOT in a pink one. Oh the shame! How dare I commit such a crime. I informed her that it was going to stay in the purple cup and she could either drink it or do without. She informed me "I not dwinking milk in pewple cup, I going to my woom." I told her that would be fine and off she went. She returned at 6.7 seconds later and informed me the "pewple cup will be fine, I have my milk now".

It went down hill from there. They were all grumpy and grouching at various times throughout the day. They took a nap which was good. I'd like to say that it improved everyones moods, but that would be a lie and like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie.

Alexis through a fit after nap because she wanted to keep her Dora pull-up on and not put her Minnie Mouse panties back on. **Sigh** Such important things we fuss about some days. I won by the way, the panites went back on.

She then through a fit because daddy ate ONE of her M&M's out of a small bowl that I had given her. He staved off the flow by getting one out of the bag and replacing it.

At that point I was happy to escape to go and pick up Kori from school. I briefly contemplated continuing to drive until I ran out of gas. Thankfully saner heads prevailed and I got Kori and returned home.

Jason left them in the family room playing Barbies to shower and get ready for work. I checked on them and then returned to finished mopping my kitchen floor. Kori went to let the dog out not FIVE minutes later and they had taken the hot tub insert out of Kori's Barbie RV out of it and proceeded to fill it with water in the bathroom sink and then spill it all over the floor. ***S-I-G-H*** So I sent them to their rooms and mopped it up.

Thankfully bathtime followed and then the bedtime fiasco began.

I am OVER bedtime. I can't get them to get in there and stay in bed and go to sleep. I have tried EVERYTHING! Readers if you have any suggestions, I am open to any of them. Bedtime causes me so much stress and anxiety. I wouldn't care if they goofed off, except I don't want them keeping Kori up. Tonight they horsed around until 11:30. Tomorrow night I think I will put them in there at 7:00. They can goof off for their required two hours and then be asleep by 9:00 just in time for Kori to go to sleep. Ha, if only it were that easy. It would help if my husband were here in the evenings to help. An extra set of arms/hands/ears/eyes etc. is NEVER a bad thing. Oh well, that's like beating a dead horse, so I won't go there.

Okay, so that's it for me. I am glad this day is over. I will be singing a rousing rendition of Gloria Gaynors, "I Will Survive" tonight in the shower, upon which I will lull myself to sleep with my ever faithful chant, "Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better..."


Liz said...

I have one and have not hit the milestones you have - still in pull ups yep, still sleeping in my bed yep - still have the paci - yep!

Pour yourself a drink and pat yourself on the back your awesome!