Friday, November 14, 2008


Nope, not the television show (although I do enjoy it when I get the chance to catch 5 uninterruped minutes of it), me. This week, that describes me. After surviving the past two days, I celebrated tonight by eating some Rocky Road ice cream straight up. Yep that's right. Right out of the container. Just me, my spoon and some Rocky Road love. (It's okay no germ contamination I'm the only one in the house who likes it)

My 2-year olds are refusing naps or falling asleep 20-minutes before nap time is over and the either way they are grumpy from around 6pm on. Do they give up at bedtime and just go to sleep? No way! That would be way too easy! We must stall, giggle, cry, scream, jump, dance, talk, you name it, they do it. **Sigh**

My 6-year old is sassy, surly, lazy, grumpy etc. etc. etc. Today I found the boots she wore to school yesterday shoved under her bed. Upon questioning her about how they got there and not in her closet where they happen to belong she replied: "Oh yeah, they must have fell under there." Uh excuse me? Are you trying to convince me that your boots "fell" under your bed??? I don't think so. You can package it however you want sister but I'm not buying it! Perhaps they were sucked under there by the Crap Monster that was inhabiting under there before I made her clean it out. Oh my goodness that room was a M-E-S-S! While she protested the cleaning and once again reorganization, afterward she proclaimed, "Your right mom, it does look much better this way then when it's all junked up!" She then thought I was nuts as I raced to the kitchen for a pen and paper to record this date in history where someone in this house proclaimed me to be right about something! I'm quite certain it won't happen again, so I thought I'd better record it so I'd never forget. Also I don't want her to be able to deny it in her teen years (if she lives that long -- totally kidding!) when she tells me everything I am wrong about.

My husband, oh lord don't get me started. Today was one of those days where I wanted to help him get his stuff ready and get him out the door as soon as possible. I thought about calling from my cell phone from outside and pretending to be a high ranking police official and act like there was an extreme emergency that he was being called in early for. **Sigh** He grumbled about EVERYTHING! The economy, politics, the weather, work, his boss, work, news anchors, work, taxes, work, you get the idea right?

By the time the house was quiet for the evening I wanted to stitch my bloody ears closed and retreat to a dark corner of the house. Instead here I am, to retell it all for you. Hey, no reason I should suffer alone right???

So I am hoping after the last couple of days that tomorrow will be better! It HAS to be better! It just has to! God are you must be better! There isn't enough Rocky Road ice cream (topped off with a touch of Cool Whip from a can) to make it better for too much longer.

Off to read some more of book #2 from the Twilight series...soooooo good!


Anonymous said...

You KNOW I started singing that song..." I will survive". Who sings that anyway?

Here's to a relaxing weekend!!

Liz said...

I feel your pain! I could have wirtten your blog minus the Rocky Road I am a millenium cruch girl!